The gun prohibition lobby and one of its chief advocates on Capitol Hill have cranked up the volume in the wake of President Donald Trump’s speech Friday to the National Rifle Association in Atlanta, unintentionally telegraphing their intent to continue attacking Second Amendment rights.
In an e-mail fund-raising blast to supporters, the Seattle-based Alliance for Gun Responsibility — which has received financial support from wealthy elitists including Michael Bloomberg — said the following, after Trump pledged that the “The eight-year assault on your Second Amendment freedoms has come to a crashing end”:
“This is unbelievable. He thanked them for their unwavering support. He even promised them the assault on gun rights is OVER.
“We won’t stand for this. And so we’re FIGHTING BACK today!”
So, the Alliance won’t stand for an end to the attacks on the Second Amendment, eh?
Everytown for Gun Safety, the multi-million-dollar “grassroots”-lobbying lobbying group bankrolled by Bloomberg is complaining in its own email that “Over and over he confirmed his unwavering support for the NRA’s extreme agenda. He told them once again that he’d never ever let them down. He told them that they had a ‘champion’ in the White House ready to fight for them — for their plans for more guns in more places for more dangerous people.”
That’s not true. Nowhere in Trump’s remarks Friday will there be found anything remotely resembling a pledge to fight for more guns for more dangerous people.
An attached message from Shannon Watts, founder of another Bloomberg-backed gun control group — Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America — asserted that the Trump/NRA agenda includes “forcing guns into classrooms,” another canard.
Trump doesn’t like gun-free zones, and neither do legally-armed citizens who have concluded from recent history that such zones are where most mass shootings occur.
Watts is also distressed that there is an effort to “deregulate gun silencers” and her message offers the incredulous argument that allowing wider-spread use of these devices would “make it harder to hear a gun being fired” so some intended victim could “protect yourself from a shooting.” As if Watts really cared about that. If she did, she would be marching in Chicago’s South Side every day.
The frosting on this cake was anti-gun Sen. Christopher S. Murphy (D-CT) posting images of shooting victims, including youngsters killed at Sandy Hook, on Twitter, according to the New York Times.
The NRA convention continues through Sunday in Atlanta. On Friday, about two dozen demonstrators stood near the convention center to protest Trump’s appearance. More may appear today, as Saturday typically draws the largest crowds at these events, and also more media attention.