The 2017 Shooting, Hunting and Outdoor Trade Show (SHOT) unfolds this week in Las Vegas, and a quick stroll through the Sands Convention Center Sunday, where vendors are trying to set up their booth spaces, found people upbeat.
Why not, after all? The four-day show, which runs Tuesday through Friday, ends on the same day that Donald Trump assumes the presidency. Gone will be Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton will be a spectator, rather than a head of state who thinks the Supreme Court was “wrong on the Second Amendment.” Even people who will not be here in Las Vegas will be celebrating.
Liberty Park Press touched base with Bill Brassard with the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) in the press room, learning that the inauguration will be broadcast there.
Several people expect some good things to happen quickly. Federal legislation has already been introduced to accomplish the following:
- National concealed carry reciprocity. This is a top agenda item in the Second Amendment community. Advocates contend that self-defense rights are not left at the border of someone’s home state. Gun prohibition lobbying groups are having fits over this one, claiming that it will allow “dangerous” people to carry guns across state lines.
Dangerous people already do that. This legislation will level the playing field for law-abiding citizens.
- Remove suppressors (“silencers”) from regulation under the 1934 National Firearms Act. These devices are hearing protectors that will help lower noise complaint problems at outdoor ranges that have seen suburban encroachment, and also be a boon to shooters using indoor ranges. They are legal for hunting in several states already.
This week’s highlights include Tuesday night’s State of the Industry dinner with entertainment by Mike Rowe, and the always-informative annual report from NSSF President Steve Sanetti.
The SHOT Show brings together firearms manufacturers, retailers, wholesalers, firearms journalists and firearms experts from all over the world. It is said to be the largest industry show in the world, and should draw upwards of 60,000 to 65,000 people.
Liberty Park Press will be reporting from here daily.
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