After Barack Obama’s chief adviser Valerie Jarrett said over the weekend that the Obama administration “hasn’t had a scandal and he hasn’t done something to embarrass himself,” the head of a conservative watchdog group said the claim is “delusional.”
According to Newsmax, Obama made the same claim in November during a press conference in Peru.
Perhaps what Jarrett meant to say is that the president has not been held accountable for any scandal on his watch. An adoring media gave him a pass on Operation Fast and Furious, Benghazi, the IRS scandal, Obamacare, Solyndra, the EPA’s pollution of the Colorado River, the Bowe Bergdahl prisoner swap and several other black marks on his presidency, as detailed by Breitbart.
Not being held accountable is a powerful anesthetic to wrongdoing. Perhaps Obama’s “legacy” will be continued mayhem in Mexico due to the estimated 2,000 guns his administration allowed to be “walked” into the hands of drug cartel gunmen under the watchful eye of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.
That operation might never have been unraveled, had Border Patrol agent Brian Terry not been killed in a gunfight with bad guys armed with one of the Fast and Furious guns. Even then, the story was largely ignored by many major news organizations, and some critics quietly theorize this is because the press didn’t want to stain Obama’s presidency.
Obama’s eight years have been riddled with scandal, 18 in all, as listed by Breitbart. Yet in his final days as president, Obama’s fans think his last-minute actions are correct, according to a new survey by Rasmussen Reports.
The president and Jarrett must be living in denial to not acknowledge the trouble with the Iran nuclear deal, the fact that many prisoners released from Guantanamo have returned to terrorism, and other problems. Toss in the VA scandal, spying on journalists and Hillary Clinton’s secret server when she was Secretary of State, and the media would be all over Obama if he were a Republican, Breitbart suggests.
When Obama leaves office on Jan. 20, he will no doubt get the same kind of fawning attention from the press that was afforded Bill Clinton in 2001.
Perhaps that would underscore the only real accomplishment of the Obama administration. Over the course of Obama’s eight years, and especially the past two have revealed a press that is unmistakably biased toward Democrats, and that is, itself, a scandal.
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