Are some press agencies reluctant to acknowledge that it was a semi-auto AR-15 type rifle that was used by the son of an Oklahoma homeowner to kill three alleged burglary suspects Monday?
While it may seem that way to some people on social media who have noted that CNN has only reported that the homeowner’s son fatally shot the three suspects with a rifle, most other news agencies have named the type of firearm up front. One of the dead burglars was reportedly armed with a knife and another had brass knuckles. All three were in their teens.
Although a number of reports identify the rifle, they do not explain that it’s the same type of firearm that gun prohibitionists seem determined to ban. But the reports do seem to answer the question that anti-gunners invariably ask: “Why does anyone need an AR-15?”
A 21-year-old woman who apparently was the get-away driver turned herself in to police in Broken Arrow after the shooting, various news agencies reported.
Take a look at how the incident is being covered:
Fox News reported that “The would-be burglars had ‘a short exchange of words’ with the homeowner’s 23-year-old son before he shot them with a rifle, Wagoner County Deputy Nick Mahoney said. Some reports indicted the rifle was an AR-15.”
The New York Post detailed it this way: “Three would-be robbers were shot and killed Monday when an Oklahoma homeowner’s son opened fire on them with an AR-15, authorities said.”
KOTV News had this to say: “Deputies said the resident armed himself with an AR-15 rifle and walked toward the back door where he encountered the three masked burglars.”
The St. Louis Post-Dispatch headlined its story noting “Three burglars gunned down” and then mentioned in the story that the rifle was “an AR-15, a popular semiautomatic rifle.”
Even the Washington Post identified the rifle as an AR-15.
But CNN reported the shooting this way: “The 23-year-old son of the homeowner fired the fatal shots from a rifle, officials said. One suspect had a knife, and another carried brass knuckles.”
It was the same way with KFOR, an NBC affiliate using CNN information. Another NBC affiliate, WCMH, mentioned the rifle type.
The AR-15 is the most popular rifle in the country. Millions of people own them and use them safely and lawfully for all sorts of things, including home defense. In the wake of Monday’s incident, that much has been affirmed.
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