Within the environment and context of the wishy-washy post-modern subculture of contemporary academia, guns free zones transform into peace and love and heroically bridge the gaps between the vast seas of diversity. Hence the eternal question is- “If the filing of a fallacious lawsuit and possible injunction by a trio of professors at the University of Texas against the institution’s new campus carry law actually reaches a courtroom, will the impending litigation deter dialogue in their lectures?” In reality, the state’s campus carry law kicks into effect August 1.
One of the chief complaints in the lawsuit filed by the faculty members Wednesday, is that the presence of guns could stifle sensitive discussion on campus and detract from “important” issues such as gay rights and abortion. The University has yet to make an official comment on the matter and there is no indication as of yet that the three educators have been offered tenure or numerous grants. Remember folks, this is the same campus where students openly carried sex toys to protest pro-gun legislation last October. The real question remains- “Why would a parent with any remnant of sanity encourage their children to attend UT-Austin?”
Read the full article here.