Wendy Williams Is So Not Politically Correct . . . But She’s Right!
Wendy Williams, American media personality, actress, comedian, author, and host of the nationally syndicated television talk show, The Wendy Williams Show calls out Black Lives Matter.
From Freedomdaily.com
Nothing infuriates liberals more than African Americans who diverge from their previously decided upon liberal agenda. God forbid an African American have a thought of their own and express an opinion contrary to the liberal ideological dogma, they soon will be ostracized. Like Condoleeza Rice, Ben Carson, and Collin Powell. Now talk show host Wendy Williams has joined this elite group.
Wendy Williams decided to comment on Jesse Williams acceptance speech for his humanitarian award at the BET awards. She has outraged the fragile minds of blacks and liberals everywhere. She called his comments poignant but then threw some shade at him for his speech surprising us all.
Williams said:
You know, on the other hand, I would be really offended if there was a school known as an historically white college. We have historically black colleges. What if there was the National Organization for White People Only? There’s the NAACP. Racism sucks and we can all do better in our own households, educating our children to make to make it better.”
Wendy also took umbrage with the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. She asked, “What is this colored? We’re supposed to be colored?” Good point. In trying to prevent racism the oppressed has become to the oppressor.
Brian Anderson of Downtrend said it best,
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