In a tawdry thought experiment the result of the equation “narcissist + bigger narcissist = waste of time” aptly describes the pending feud of one conservative heavyweight and an individual singularity rapidly dissipating into the ether of obscurity.
Much like a parent wishing for better days and living vicariously through the successes and failures of their children’s extracurricular activities, Newt Gingrich has apparently and inexplicably adopted Trump’s campaign for president as a bridge to the vacuously inept and lame echo of an attempt for the nation’s oval office in 2012. According to CBS News Gingrich substantiated his yearning quest for the glory days by strategically admonishing Trump Friday, for instigating twitter wars with a former Miss Universe Winner. While writers and producers in the San Fernando Valley are currently in heated negotiation over the rights to the latest plot trend in adult movies involving social network scenes of lust, Gingrich’s actions scream of desperation and add a munificence of ammunition to the notion that headline politicians are certifiable.
The former speaker of the House, specifically criticized Trump on the early morning time frame of the originating tweets aimed at the global pageant winner. There is no viable information available yet as to the possibility of Gingrich orchestrating a presidential run in 2020.
Read the full CBS News article here.