As news of the floods and evacuations continue to dominate headlines out of northern California, a group of gun rights activists made a lasting impression at the state capitol Sunday. (The flood is the excuse that mainstream media will use for failing to acknowledge that this event even took place. Only ONE media outlet provided relevant coverage!)
KXTL-TV reports that supporters of the Second Amendment occupied nearly a mile long expanse of sidewalk in an attempt to reach state lawmakers and amend some of the horrendous legislation that affects gun owners and members of the industry on a daily basis. While California State Patrol officers were on hand in case of counter protests, the planned event allegedly ended on a positive note and lacked the signature violence, destruction and incessant littering that has become protocol for anti-Trump, empowering women and Black Lives Matter demonstrations.
While the responsible gun owners reserved their demonstration of First Amendment rights to the confines of the sidewalk and did not interrupt traffic, at the conclusion of the free speech exercise and after the mass exodus, a sea of discarded poster board signs and refuse did not rear its ugly head for the benefit of city of Sacramento sanitation crews. Apparently, a crowd of predominate conservative leaning individuals collectively understands the concept of a garbage can.
Read the full KXTL-TV story here.