The leading and howling matron of “the shout so loudly in the room that we must be correct” group, Moms Demand Action, was not front and center in ruling over her flock, yet could not contain herself in echoing a screeching broken record of blind idealism while engaging a guest newspaper columnist in a Twitter battle.
Derek Hunter of The Daily Caller highlights the epic lowlights of the always polarizing and entertaining Shannon Watts, and her listless methodology of tirelessly repeating empty slogans and blanket statements in adhering to the creed of the modern extremist which reads- “if you disagree me, you are wrong and probably a bigot.”
Hunter provides the disappointing play-by-play of Watt’s reaction to on ep-ed in the New York Times authored by Bethany Mandel, in which Mandel provides a powerful, brutal and personal account to why firearms are a necessary component of self-defense.
Apparently, the Founder of Moms demand action, took offense to the image used to accompany Mandel’s essay in the Times, and the race was on in the Twitterspace for calling all gun owners racists and afflicted by white privilege. During the war of tweets, Watts appeared as a hacked Russian software bot stuck on a vicious loop cycle, as Mandel’s well reasoned and educated responses completely baffled the clucking hen of hypocrisy, in prompting a series of blanket statements offering zero solutions. At one point the venerable gun grabber, actually claimed that owning a dog is akin to an instrument of self-defense.
The delicious irony about the pontificating pouter, is her incessant and baseless rants actually forward gun rights, and detract from her own cause, a blatant truth that she is incapable of comprehending.
Read Hunter’s article at The Daily Caller.