Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell on Monday took the gloves off against Senate Democrats, calling their effort to block the confirmation of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the U.S. Supreme Court.
Noting that all of the alleged witnesses to the unsubstantiated allegations of sexual misbehavior during a high school party some 35 years ago have either “flatly” contradicted the story or are unable to back it up.
“Senate Democrats and their allies are trying to destroy a man’s personal and professional life on the basis of decades-old allegations that are unsubstantiated and uncorroborated,” McConnell stated. “This is what the so-called resistance has become, a smear campaign, pure and simple.”
Kavanaugh’s accuser, Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, is scheduled to testify Thursday before the Senate Judiciary Committee in what many believe has been simply an effort to stall the confirmation process. Now another two alleged accusers have reportedly come forward, in what many say is a partisan effort to stop Kavanaugh from rising to the high court, thus costing President Donald Trump a significant victory by installing a conservative majority. Some pundits are predicting that she will be a no-show.
Democrats and their liberal allies are apparently terrified at the prospect of a conservative majority because they fear two things will happen: Roe v. Wade could be eroded or overturned, and the Second Amendment could be strengthened and its scope expanded.
The perception that all of this is a political ploy by Democrats was certainly not lost on McConnell, speaking on the Senate floor. He blasted ranking Democrats for their conduct in the wake of the Judiciary hearings with Kavanaugh, whose confirmation seemed a sure thing. So, it was apparently a “switch to ‘Plan B’” effort to bring forth the Ford allegations.
“Democrats wouldn’t let a few inconvenient things, like a complete lack of evidence, or an accusers request for complete confidentiality to get between them and a good smear,” Sen. McConnell stated.
He further noted Judiciary Chairman Sen. Charles Grassley’s efforts to accommodate Dr. Ford so she could testify.
A Seattle-based “resistance” group calling itself Seattle Indivisible has been in the thick of the Kavanaugh opposition, actually emailing instructions to supporters on how to oppose the nomination, complete with a message script. Tuesday, for example, they are supposed to call Senators Maria Cantwell and Patty Murray and recite the following message:
“Hello, I’m [name] from [city, zip]. I’m calling about the Kavanaugh nomination. Three women have made allegations of sexual misconduct against Mr. Kavanaugh. This indicates a pattern of dangerous behavior. We need all relevant witnesses to testify. I want to ask the Senator to keep fighting the Kavanaugh nomination with everything she has.”
This makes it appear that Seattle Indivisible supporters aren’t bright enough to compose their own messages.
A new Rasmussen survey released Tuesday revealed that 56 percent of likely voters believe every one of President Trump’s nominees deserves and up or down vote, and only 20 percent disagree. Forty-nine percent of those voters say the Senate should move “as quickly as possible” on confirmation for a replacement to retired Justice Anthony Kennedy, while 44 percent disagree and think the vote should wait until January when a new crop of senators is sworn in. They are apparently counting on the possibility that the Democrats criticized by McConnell will by then be back in the majority.