Lawmakers in the People’s Republic of mismanaging public policy to an ominous threshold of defeatism colliding with the bizarre and leading directly to an open ended invitation to join the ranks of the United Nations as a bandit territory and antithesis to the spirit of the Constitution, are finally justifying their paychecks and benefits. Well, at least from the spooky and surreal backstage passages in portraying a divine comedy that rivals the perpetual journey of an inexplicable ideological starship puttering towards the unknown leaving an unremarkable trail of pork barrel essence and forever making a mockery of Einstein’s rule of insanity.
Somehow, voters were duped into approving reprehensible legislation awarding cosmetic medical procedures to violent felons, including an oversight by the penal system in approving tax payer dollars to fund the sex change operation of a convicted kidnapper and murderer requesting the surgical transition from a man into a woman. The most glorious and talented of gonzo fiction writers could not craft a more telling and bizarre narrative within the confines of iconic novels, however this is real life, and the leadership of the state continues to make a mockery of its residents in not reading the fine print when passing dubious, or simply opting to govern with reckless megalomaniac abandon in constructing such a vast and lucrative patchwork of infrastructure that the only way to maintain the horrendous cycle is to open up the borders and fertility clinics in growing the population of hardworking individuals to meet the outlandish demands of a burgeoning governmental dystopia. And the axiom describing a bureaucratic affliction states that it can only get worse.
With a major cash flow problem resulting from unsustainable pension funds, the presence of powerful unions, and the general inefficiency which is a benchmark of public entities, California’s aforementioned penal system is currently overrun by criminal masterminds locked in a power struggle with authorities for control of various correctional institutions. As the complexities and challenging issues have surfaced with a vengeance in the face of a massive wave of corruption during the latter quarter of the 20th century, lawmakers have set their sites on attempting to alleviate the state prison budget crises, rather than engaging in an epic back alley all-out street brawl blood fest of a gang war with powerful and connected groups and individuals. Their initial step to fiscal accountability, reduce the jail time of borderline felons and serial small time crooks by… drum roll… legalizing the possession of marijuana within holding cells.
The reaction from responsible Americans… a stunned silence. Crickets where they apply.
While the inmates will technically not be allowed to smoke the Seattle Slew strain of boutique weed, or ingest any of the distinctive and festive edibles, reports Fox News, the procedural move will free up monies in the books annually, by erasing the added sentence times earned while in confinement of a group of qualifying individuals and equating to an early release. Just what modern day digitized iteration of Pandora’s Box have elected officials opened in giving the system latitude to alter the jail time of a convicted criminal to offset poor fiscal and policy practices? The possible ramifications surrounding this chilling scenario are quite troubling, as reforming the broken economic conditions of a flawed system is prioritized over public safety and the rehabilitation of individuals.
With the escalation of stringent gun control laws and other Constitutional rights being limited by horrendous governing tactics and the implementation of a bad series of social experiments, residents of the state probably need a good buzz to justify an existence within a political geographical area which they did not ask for. But alas, the average person is whole one carjacking conviction away from enjoying the good life of high times and gender re-identification.
Read the Fox News story here.