In not overtly under- exaggerating the demise of print media as a microcosm to the domination of the smartphone, some quirky trends ensconced in desperation are emerging in newspaper sections that have been virtually unchanged since D-Day. The least likely source for polarizing and divisive content has emerged adjacent to the comics in disappointing fashion, as the quirky and benign daily Jumble crossed into the political threshold.
Jumble screen capture courtesy of
There exists no explanation other than promoting cryptic climate activism as to why the co-authors and creators of chose to go down the pathway of controversy in this scathing commentary on the vast differences between the generations. Of course, one has to decode the puzzle first, before processing the underlying message.
On the surface level, the lost in translation dynamic afflicting grandson and grandpa is mildly amusing in keeping with the time-tested format of Jumble challenges landing on the spectrum bracketed by bad puns spanning unexpected twists and turns. However, blatantly illustrating the energy debate, while castigating gramps as a close-minded senile grouch who probably uses globes as punching bags in boning up on misogynistic tendencies is a special sort of special.
While a picture is worth a thousand words, the Jumble transcends simple lexicon in providing a breakfast time life lesson that has suddenly devolved to content appropriate for the off-script rants of a cable news channel diva. Hold the Cheerios, as the morning meal is forever tarnished.