Wyoming is known as one of the gun friendliest states in the nation, and a story in the Casper Star Tribune says the state may get even better for gun owners, thanks to Joe Biden’s “aggressive” gun control agenda, harkening back to his 2019 interview with NPR in which then-candidate Biden said there is “no compromise” on guns.
In that interview, transcribed here, Biden stated, “I think there’s no compromise. This is one we have to just push and push and push and push and push. The fact of the matter is, I think, it’s going to result in seeing some of them defeated.”
While the Casper newspaper noted the state legislature’s reluctance “to take the additional steps needed to become the most pro-Second Amendment state,” the story also suggested that may be about to change. The reason is Biden’s anti-gun agenda.
On Sunday, Biden used the Valentine’s Day celebration as the backdrop for his call for tougher gun laws. It was the third anniversary of the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School mass shooting in Parkland, Fla., which the president exploited.
“Today, as we mourn with the Parkland community, we mourn for all who have lost loved ones to gun violence,” Biden said, according to CBS News.
But then CBS said the White House “didn’t provide more details” about Biden’s plans.
The White House didn’t have to. Biden’s gun control agenda, which has been called “extreme” by gun rights leaders, has been available online for a year.
Biden’s gun control scheme includes so-called “universal background checks.” He wants to pressure state legislatures to adopt laws requiring licenses before anyone can purchase a firearm. Biden’s biggest targets are so-called “assault weapons” and “high capacity magazines,” which he wants to ban. Such firearms that are already owned would be treated the same as full-auto weapons and regulated under the National Firearms Act., with the tax requirement.
According to the Star Tribune, Wyoming gun owners are experiencing the same sparse ammunition availability as gun owners in other states. The state has the highest rate of gun ownership per capita in the country. “Even Democrats in Wyoming own guns,” the newspaper said.
During this year’s legislative session, the newspaper added, lawmakers will consider a proposed repeal of so-called “gun-free zones” and “eliminate residency requirements for concealed carry permits.” And there may be movement on state preemption.