Joe Biden’s approval rating remains below 50 percent, and things may be going from bad to worse for the president, depending upon whose poll results one believes.
According to Fox News, he gets a failing grade, and it doesn’t appear he is going to reverse the trend anytime soon. The president cannot get any traction on the economy and he’s also been taking criticism for mishandling the Chinese spy balloon flap from several weeks.
Fox referred to a March 23 poll by the Associated Press and NORC Center, which surveyed 1,000 adults to learn the president’s approval rating fell from 45 percent to 38 percent last month. In that survey, Fox noted, “only 31% of all respondents approved of Biden’s handling of the economy.”
Meanwhile, Monday’s Daily Presidential Tracking Poll by Rasmussen shows Biden with a monthly job approval rating of 47 percent last month, and a 51 percent disapproval. However, a breakdown of survey results revealed a nasty truth for the Delaware Democrat.
According to Rasmussen, only 28 percent of voters “strongly approve” of Biden’s job performance in March while 42 percent “strongly disapproved” of the way he is handling things.
By comparison, Rasmussen noted four years ago Donald Trump’s monthly approval rating ran “from a high of 51% in February 2017, his first full month in the White House, to a low of 42% in August 2017.” In December 2020, Trump’s final full month in office, Rasmussen recalled, “Trump earned a monthly job approval of 47%. Fifty-one percent (51%) disapproved.”
While Trump almost always mentioned and defended the Second Amendment during his speeches, including his State of the Union addresses, Biden has been preaching gun control since before taking office. The Second Amendment Foundation is continuing to run advertisements on several cable networks criticizing Biden’s gun control agenda.
Whether this series of advertisements is part of Biden’s declining popularity, they have energized American gun owners.
Biden was quick to pounce on the school shooting in Nashville to once again push for a ban on so-called “assault weapons,” while Capitol Hill Democrats began pushing for a five-year, $250 million program providing money to the CDC for “gun violence research.”
The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms quickly dismissed the proposal as a “boondoggle,” and suggested instead the money be used to make public schools “hard targets.”
“Democrats want to make it appear they’re doing something by spending a fortune in taxpayers’ money for research by the CDC which,” said CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb, “experience tells us will result in recommendations for additional gun control, while not preventing a single crime. Democrats want to sit around for the next five years pontificating about nasty-looking guns while parents, teachers, and local law enforcement want action now.
“Why spend five more years on unproductive research which,” he contended, “we all know, will ultimately recommend more research? It translates to job perpetuation for bureaucrats who do nothing while our schools remain vulnerable soft targets.”