Among the desecrated and caustic remains in the wake of the Duke Lacrosse rape case and the rampart onset of a vile and incessant wave of political correctness, the modern American male attempts to cling to assimilation as a loving Father, positive contributor and general advocate of the principles of liberty and justice guaranteed by the Constitution. Unfortunately, the presence of an ominous and vacuous force threatens the sanguine outlook and future and tangible construct of freedom.
The indoctrinating framework of Feminism perpetuates in a barrage of misandry and the general reduction in the role of the male in contemporary society supported by tedious and forced cultural norms. While the core population of the US, Japan and Western Europe are in rapid decline due to record low birth rates, immigration remains the only source in maintaining economic and social buoyancy. Ironically, Feminism is completely and oblivious to the locus horde population growth characteristics and trends of nations of Islam. Maybe the caliphates will provide more equality and shatter the glass ceilings of injustice?
After years of indiscretion suffered at the hands of a liberal media, listless politicians and the rampart propagation of political correctness, men or certain men, have had enough. The backlash has brought the formulation of the movement Men Going Their Own Way or MGTOW. MGTOW encompasses the general grievances of men with the legal, cultural, and financial nuances composing the current structure of society. The movement has gained significant momentum over the last two years by utilizing the vehicle of social networking.
MGTOW Founder and Canadian born “Sandman” (username), produces a weekly 10-minute feature hosted on Youtube addressing a specific concern. Topics have included “Obama is a bachelor tax”, “Working with women”, “Destroying male spaces”, etc. The key ideals of the movement gravitate with the intrepid nuances and efficacious factions of a rigorous and individually generated cost-basis analysis decision making. In weighing the emotional, physical and economic parameters, will a judgment of sentiment bring forth the celebration of consensual existence?
While the work of Steinem and other reactionary individuals work to create a modern dystopia fueled by ambiguity that will not easily be deconstructed, the gentlemen of MGTOW are utilizing a relatively intelligent and sensible approach to furthering the conversation regarding the framework of culture and attempting to accurately define the roles that men and women fulfill in society.
VIDEO: A MGTOW Weekly Feature