This could be a screen capture from London, Seattle, San Francisco, Portland, or LA, as Sweden endures the consequences of government not enforcing vagrancy laws, and the justice system coddling offenders instead of jail time.
Pictures are worth a thousand words in forever capturing a static moment, but glaringly incomplete as a medium representing the nuance and complexities of everyday life and reality. From a drone’s perspective of 500 feet above the city center of Eskilstuna, Sweden, the contrast between the architecture styles, green leaf trees, and the backdrop of a majestic river thoroughfare, enunciates a perpetual Summer wonderland and ice cream afternoons of languishing on bridge and with Bach ferried to every shadowless corner riding a comfortable pollen breeze.
At this point truth is abruptly and effectively obscured by the visceral presence of a false narrative, and the swarm of organized megapixels fail to communicate the entire tedious and disheartening of two decades worth of aggressive social engineering culminating in an unsustainable nightmare. Only in this controlled environment of relentless taxation and contrived wealth temporarily offsetting a shortage of natural resources and a dearth of innovation is the ridiculous concept of the bums having to pay to beg is even possible. But under the rule of the self-proclaimed feminist government of Sweden, logic seems to be a foreign concept.
The adoption of a directive by the elected officials in Eskilstuna to institute a begging license is the proverbial tip of the iceberg in a series of horrific complexities leading to unbelievable circumstances. While economists consider the Scandinavian nation as a staunch proponent for capitalism, an epidemic of hardcore bureaucracy has yielded tendencies of socialism, which is blatantly illustrated by an income tax rate which has surpassed 70%, as a wave of recent retirees demand pensions, while the younger generations are not interested in labor jobs. The problem is only exacerbated by an unsustainable birthrate due to women choosing careers over families, as the population figure only remains stable through immigration, and the damage to urban corridors throughout the country is apparent through piles of garbage and human waste.
The citizens of Sweden and Eskilstuna face a dire and decaying situation in the continued liberal practices of public officials placing the importance of the state over constituents and failing epically to grasp and apply the basic fundamentals of economics. This is a cruel fate for a city named for a saint who was brutally bludgeoned to death in attempting to spread Christianity and faith. Publicly funding education through a PHD level only works when the job market is filled with qualified employees at all levels and in every industry. Ironically, the unemployment rate in Eskilstuna hovers around 8%, as overeducated millennials and refugees feverishly compete on city streets for handouts, rather than facing the burden of hard work. But hope springs eternal for the lazy and disillusioned.
For $25, an individual can apply for a permit with the city to skirt any police involvement in being an officially licensed beggar, reports the Guardian. The fee buys three calendar months of vagrancy privileges, which is officially categorized as “passive money collection”. Those who fail to fill out the four page application and pay up, are subject to a $415 fine.
The first page of the official application to legally conduct “public fundraising” activities.
If that is not enough, city officials have allocated certain geographic proximities and neighborhoods in regulating the practice of panhandling (Tourism!). There is even an online resource page available in signing for the program and a permit application is available in an easily downloadable format. Politicians defend the regulating vagrancy by claiming that the program will get people in need registered and close to help and resources. Residents already have to endure the city operating a borderline illegal and unethical vast and meticulous recycling and green movement program tarnished by kickbacks, but now have to process the uncertain future of volatile bums being legitimized through decadent lexicon that is sure to drive small business owners paying the necessary licensing fees to operate, through the roof. The homeless industrial complex strikes again. Sound familiar?
What is next, a civic program targeting alpha single heterosexual men with a pay to play fiscal model in beginning a costly paper trail documenting the mating habit? Quite possibly the government could implement a cryptocurrency blockchain “sex” ledger in keeping an accurate and incorruptible record history of dating, and in a country where “Big brother” is lurking and breathing down the neck of 10 million citizens thanks to wealth distribution, no concept seems too crazy. Do they sell burglary permits?
The liberal axiom towards finding the solution to a problem is simple, throw money at it, create more framework, and tax the hell out of the wealthy in building an elite class of elected incumbents rubber stamping spending. In the extreme case of Eskilstuna’s licensed beggars, monies collected on the streets from citizens burdening the budget of governments will eventually find its way into the public coffers. Disgustingly and disturbingly, the pseudo-intellectuals of city leadership have inadvertently and inversely created a charity tax. The double dipping is so immense that Swedish politicians are now using breakfast meats as garnish for breakfast meats in a hedonistic orgy that is set to destroy liberty, and of course with a price.
Read the Guardian story here.
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