This weekend’s monstercast was a great one! Joining me for the first hour was long time regular contributor, Alan Gottlieb, founder of the Second Amendment Foundation.
Alan gave us some great information on recently filed cases as well as a hint of what’s to come with 4 new cases. Following Alan was first time AAR guest, Stacy Washington, aka “Stacy on the Right.” Stacy was the St Louis Post-Dispatch columnist who was suspended for writing a piece defending the NRA from being compared to ISIS by some kooky, left wing lunatic in the Missourian. The guy is a former professor, (imagine that), masquerading as a columnist. Stacy was having none of the suspension thing so she returned fire by resigning. Best career move ever! Not only was she on AAR monstercast but her face graced the Drudge Report, she made it on Fox News and got a ton of other coverage as well. She’s awesome and you’ll be hearing more from her on my shows, I can promise you.
Hour two saw regular contributor, AWR Hawkins from Breitbart News bringing his pro-gun rights columns to life on the airwaves. Together, we cover a ton of ground and as always, AWR Hawkins brings it.
Moving into hour three, long time AAR guest David Codrea returned to the monstercast with a solid hour of his wit and wisdom that has made him a fan favorite for many years on Armed American Radio. David brought his take on several issues, we covered a few of his recent columns and as usual, the hour flew by too fast.
Enjoy the broadcast this week!