Fostering encouragement for a student environmental rally, public school teachers supported by union representatives facilitated a nationwide walkout Friday, as droves of teenagers and young adults did their best impersonation of climate extremists at various impassioned gatherings with Earth Day looming on the immediate horizon. The lovely and ethereal vocals of Whitney Houston gently dissolved into nothingness as, “I believe the children are our future, teach them well and let them lead the way,” was harshly interrupted by the nightmarish presence of the public education vicious cycle, and all the good, peace, justice, reason and tolerance in the world withered in an immediate massive die-off on the scale of the dinosaur extinction event. Word has it that Al Gore has assigned the blame for the nuclear weather conditions ending the Cretaceous period on the impact of subhuman reptiles and not a massive asteroid colliding with Earth.
The Seattle youth “climate strike” was organized by a national organization bearing the same curious play on words and insinuating that somehow the students are actually straddling the picket line in protesting school, which is not the workplace, reports the Seattle Times, a sign that the enabling and coddling has ensnared the youngest generations in a devious web of listless complacency, with a complete absence of productivity. Apparently, the dominant presence of vapid talking points and propaganda, emanated from a scattering of adults within the crowd, as students received a crash course in expressing First Amendment rights and organizing a public protest. The skill sets mesh with the progressive tapestry of urban areas of the Pacific Northwest, but are eons away from the critical and applicable to the digital world of the STEM disciplines, a veritable example of full scale disengagement on the level of Nancy Pelosi judging a reality television and internet drag queen contest during the government shutdown of 2018. Certain societal trends prompted by radicals are infuriatingly on a tangent for the greater good, yet possess a disturbing and detrimental element, capable of inflicting permanent damage to the republic.
“These Rolls Royce turbine engines powered by love and not airplane fuel,” claims Hillary.
The complete lack of accountability displayed by teaching professionals in supporting the event and forwarding an agenda, is a troubling indication of the visceral dominating the classroom environment, rather than the emphasis on developing critical thinking skills, and preparing individuals for the job market. The insane scenario is conducive to producing liberal arts majors supporting a specific bias, and not problem solving engineers, as as the public education system nightmare is based on satisfying quota demanded by affirmative action and free thought suffers. If the term “climate strike” is not enough to raise a few eyebrows, identity politics has officially entered the arena of environmentalism, and “climate discrimination” is now an accepted term in blending the concepts of outrage and victimhood. The disheartening result places the New Green Deal in a fortified position virtually impervious to criticism.
As students railed against the obligatory villains of the oil industry and the massive carbon footprint threatening to flood the skyscrapers of New York under Atlantic Ocean depths, the chief culprit of perceptible human influenced “climate change” if at all and threatening to displace a few grains of sands in the metaphorical footprint, failed to reach the speaker’s podium. It is almost laughable that the energy requirements produced by the prevalence of the smartphone and constant online interaction is not even a part of the relevant conversation when discussing environmental impact. The tycoons of Silicon Valley do not wish to indulge in the reality that the amount of electricity needed to store the egregious wealth of selfies, videos, and digital interactions hogging the memory resources. Ironically, the collective tech world and a lifelong interaction in the traditional sciences, should be able to acknowledge the laws of thermodynamics and the strain on the power grid resulting from the insatiable energy needs put forth by data processing, transmission and storage. The Zuckerberg’s and Musk’s of the world live in billion dollar hypocrisies and for the sake of convenience, the heat given off by F***book’s servers is not on the radar screen, nor is the reality that a Tesla requires a massively high energy index to produce in comparison to traditional vehicles (and what to do about the toxic batteries?). But if support for the Green Movement and the New Green Deal continues to be lucrative, indoctrination will always vanquish the truth.
The trickle down effect of the alarmist industrial complex has furnished a prevalence of believable ideas that resonate with the balefully uninformed masses and a seemingly innumerable bounty of vapid phrases and slogans that are relentlessly seared into the decrepit encampments of groupthink. While incredulous and unfounded ideas are recklessly tossed around identifying a range of problems bordering on the fraudulently absurd, interestingly, there exists an absolute dearth of feasible recourse in addressing any these alleged issues. The kids at the rally were alert and adept in listing off the apparent indiscretions of the human race in the abuse of mother earth, but failed to provide any solutions. Protests are fun when there exists an absence of determination and hard work in thinking a process entirely through. In supporting a ban on fossil fuels, the future of industries and transportation is completely disregarded, and the realities of scarce resources and widespread famine take a backseat to idealism. But again, the feel good reared its ugly head.
At the end of the day, the educators had the opportunity to create a valuable life lesson out of the day, but failed miserably in promoting entitlement over achievement. A simple and effective exercise would have involved having the students come up with five solutions to environmental issues before being allowed to attend the event. But alas, common sense and traditions have no place in the public schools dominated by leadership supporting globalization.
Read the Seattle Times article here.