In a heartwarming story that transcends the world of animal lovers, the lovable trio of a man, a dog and a hummingbird, all live together in apparent harmony. Thanks to YouTube, the tale of “Hummer” the quaint and dazzling bird, and fellow housemate “Rex” the wonder dog, piecing together the almost impossible puzzle of coexisting […]
Vermonters Fire Back Against Bullet Regulations
If you want to effect change to spurious public policy written into law by out of touch and overzealous politicians on the payroll of powerful lobby groups, sue the sob’s. And that is exactly what folks in Vermont are doing in the aftermath of Republican governor Phil Scott bludgeoning the rights of gun owners after […]
Arod’s Nephew Allegedly Kidnapped During A Shady Car Deal
It pays to have a rich uncle, but one has to be smart. Anyone possessing a lick of common sense would never complete a car sale involving a briefcase full of cash in a hotel, as the scenario never seems to end well in real life or the movies. Cue the nephew of Alex Rodriguez. […]
Social Network To Increase Online Human Trafficking Efforts
The largest social dungeon on the planet, where the online persona of the user is bound, shackled and sold to the highest bidder, as fortune 500 companies and political organizations engage in the ultimate game of tug of war in gaining and edge in marketing tactics and reach, has the audacity to try and implement […]
One Dead As Southwest Jetliner Makes Miraculous Landing
A Southwest Boeing 737 en route from New York’s Laguardia to Dallas, was forced to make an emergency landing in Philadelphia Tuesday, as the left engine exploded, sending shrapnel into the cabin and killing one passenger. Fox News reports that the veteran pilot declared an emergency, as the main cabin instantaneously depressurized from engine debris being […]
Homeless Encampments Are An Expression Of “Nomadic Spirituality”- Only In Seattle
The homeless in the evergreen jewel of breathtaking natural wonders in the Pacific Northwest, have a Seattle problem. Among the scattered feces, drug ties, needles and strewn detritus, protesters attempted to block city workers Tuesday from removing the human rat’s nest in the woods close to downtown, as neighbors will hopefully no longer have to […]
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