The House Select Committee on Benghazi’s report, released Tuesday morning, is a scathing critique that is already being attacked by the Hillary Clinton campaign, while Fox News calls the report “damning.” Four Americans, including Ambassador Christopher Stevens, died while ineptitude seemed to have gripped Obama administration officials. They spent much wasted effort discussing a […]
SAF Leader Warns ‘Devil Is In Details’ Of Any Compromise Gun Measure
After the U.S. Senate failed to pass any of four proposed gun control measures, an apparent “compromise” proposal was in the works with Maine Sen. Susan Collins spearheading, but the leader of a major gun rights group has warned that any such package needs a thorough reading before anyone votes on it. “The devil is […]
More Evidence Democrats Are The ‘Party Of Gun Control’
Once again Democrats have been painted into the corner of being the “party of gun control,” thanks to a story in that asks a simple, but provocative headline: “Can Democrats ever win the gun debate?” The question paints Democrats into a corner they may not wish to be, but their own politics of civil […]
Supreme Court Upholds Gun Ban For Domestic Violence
The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday upheld federal law that prohibits people convicted of misdemeanor domestic violence from owning or possessing firearms. In a 6-2 ruling, with Justice Clarence Thomas dissenting and Justice Sonia Sotomayor joining him in part, the high court upheld a federal appeals court ruling in a case called Voisine v. United […]
CCRKBA Chief Unloads On Dems For House Sit-In On Guns
The head of a major gun rights organization came out swinging with a verbal beat down of House Democrats for staging a sit-in with a demand that Congress take action on new gun restrictions. Alan Gottlieb, chairman of the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms said these lawmakers clearly defined […]
Second Amendment Groups Push Back Against Anti-Rights Proposals
True to form, gun prohibitionists moved swiftly to exploit the terrorist massacre in Orlando, calling for bans on semi-auto rifles, and pushing legislation to prevent people on the “no-fly” and “terrorist watch” lists from being able to buy guns. But civil rights organizations lined up against the measures because of concerns over due process. The […]