Using the anniversary of the Sandy Hook Elementary tragedy, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris on Monday called for “gun reforms” to honor the victims of the 2012 shooting that left 20 youngsters and six adults dead.
It’s what Second Amendment activists call “camo speak” for more gun control. Anti-gun Connecticut Sen. Richard Blumenthal chimed in, according to Fox News, declaring the Sandy Hook victims should be honored with “positive action” and he expects the incoming Biden administration will “redouble the efforts against gun violence.”
Biden’s legitimacy as the next president got a boost from Republican Senate Majority Mitch McConnell, who congratulated the former vice president by declaring the Electoral College “has spoken.” The Drudge Report blared this headline: “Season Finale: McConnell Finishes Trump.”
Biden and Harris insist they want “common sense” gun “reforms,” according to the Associated Press. It all translates to the same thing, according to grassroots gun rights activists: More restrictions on law-abiding citizens that will ultimately not prevent a single violent crime involving a firearm.
Sandy Hook was the work of a single mentally-deranged individual, Adam Lanza. Prior to the shooting, Lanza murdered his mother, took her guns from a safe and headed to the school in her car. While a Connecticut news organ, The Day, editorialized for additional gun controls, a reader who signed in as Keith J. Robbins reacted.
“The Day again gives lip service to the mental health issue, the actual reason for all the incidents mentioned was a failure by the liberal mental health system,” Robbins wrote. “Newtown happened because a parent enabled a child to commit murder, she paid the ultimate price for her failure. The child should have been institutionalized, as has been documented multiple times…The Day fails to address the continued carnage in Chicago, Baltimore, Philadelphia and we are beginning to see it in New York, those communities have extensive gun laws and continue to be run by democrats. As we see emboldened criminals, because of a lax if non-existence criminal justice system, the Second Amendment becomes more prevalent for law abiding citizens.”
The Day wants to extend the background check period from three to ten days. It wants so-called “universal background checks” for all gun transfers, except between family members—a mandate that would not have prevented Sandy Hook, since Lanza killed his mother and used her guns—and a ban on so-called “assault rifles” and original capacity magazines.
The Day editorial claims these are “some sensible reforms that are popular with the American public, including many gun owners.”
The only thing that could derail Biden’s gun control schemes would be a Republican victory in the two Senate races slated Jan. 5 in Georgia. If incumbent Senators David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler retain their seats, the GOP will remain in control of the Senate and provide a barrier.