Where Conservative Americans Have A Voice!
“I’m not a male, I’m not a female.”
Sgt. Shupe became the first person in the United States to receive legal recognition as “Non-binary.”
President Donald Trump’s transgender military ban just got support from the first officially recognized “Non-Binary” human being who actually underwent transgender treatment while serving in the military. About his transition, Retired Army Sgt. Jamie Shupe said:
“Unlike many journalists who blindly speak or write about gender dysphoria and transgender military service, I am both an Army veteran and a patient who has received these experimental medical treatments.”
According to an excellent article at ijr.com:
Shupe said his failed attempt to become a woman proved gender dysphoria wasn’t treatable through hormonal and surgical treatments.
In an essay for The Federalist, Shupe described how although he took hormone medication, his results were “abysmal.”
“Cross-sex hormones failed to cure or even alleviate my gender dysphoria,” he said. “The only thing that did was to stop believing that I was a female.”
In the profile, Shupe appeared with a wig and complained that he lived in a world where “radical, conservative politicians and religious groups routinely attack my very existence.”
“I am a transgender woman. My civil rights are fragile,” Shupe also said in the Times.
Something apparently changed, however, as Shupe took a different tone in an essay for The Federalist.
He noted how people who wanted to transition after puberty faced an uphill battle. Doing so, Shupe said, “makes the odds of achieving opposite-sex appearance far greater, if not impossible.”
Shupe’s essay came after the Pentagon released a report recommending that President Donald Trump disqualify from service individuals who required or underwent gender transitions.
Trump received a torrent of criticism after he announced the ban last year. After he signed an initial ban, a court blocked that policy and required that the military begin accepting transgender recruits by January 2018.
“The U.S. military is correct to ban those with gender dysphoria from serving,” Shupe said. “The military is also correct in refusing to participate in gender transitions, regardless of how many lawsuits that requires fighting. My failed sex change is proof of that,” Shupe added.
The White House eventually allowed transgender members who are currently serving to remain in the military but approved Mattis’ recommendation to disqualify individuals who underwent gender transition.
For Shupe, “the whole transition process is tragically and fatally flawed.”
“Even if science eventually proves transgender people are more than the sum of their currently visible and measurable birth biology,” Shupe argued, “this would make them intersex — a mixture of male and female.
“It would not make transgender persons the complete opposite sex,” Shupe said.
Citing firsthand experience, Shupe pushed back on what journalists said about transitioning. He also argued that his experience disproved the American Psychological Association’s take on transitioning:
The APA claims gender dysphoria is a treatable condition with social transitions and hormonal and surgical treatments. My experience as a transsexual patient proves otherwise. Four years of Defense Department-funded hormone treatments produced nothing more than a very small amount of breast growth.
The New York Times previously featured Shupe’s story as one of its “transgender experiences.”