Yes, He Most Certainly Did! It’s called brilliant campaigning. It involves research, data collection, analysis, strategy, market segmentation, competitive analysis, and yes, having a good product.
Therein lays his secret winning strategy; the product. The Presidential shoppers had bought his competitor’s product for years and they decided, en masse, that they didn’t like what they got. Enter Donald Trump!
Nobody knows for sure if the world is in turmoil because U.S. President Donald Trump actually did something naughty to alter the results of the 2016 Presidential Election, or if the liberal snowflakes are just having another media meltdown because they lost and are so desperate to have their way.
They are indeed making a lot of noise, that is always the best strategy for those who have nothing to say. There’s volumes of conjecture, anger, accusations and hostility, but we haven’t heard anything real yet. If there was really a problem, I suspect we would have heard about it by now. I mean a real problem, like one that really happened, one that is illegal or unethical, or at the very least hasn’t been done by his liberal counterparts to a factor of Ten. That doesn’t leave much does it?
Anyway, it was nice of Vladimir to release the names of those involved in the election scandal. Seems there are many Americans out there who still haven’t figured it out.
Thank you Silenceisconsent.net!