Writing at the National Review, Kevin D. Williamson, author and “roving correspondent” for the publication, has cracked the proverbial code in a piece about the real purpose of gun control laws. Summing up the cultural divide between rational people and gun-hating zealots in a single paragraph, Williamson observes, “Instead of doing the hard work of […]
Mark The Dates: 36th Annual Gun Rights Conference Sept. 25-26 Online
The Second Amendment Foundation and Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms are preparing for the 36th annual Gun Rights Policy Conference Sept. 25-26, which will be online again this year, thanks to continued problems with COVID-19. According to SAF founder and Executive Vice President Alan Gottlieb, the theme of this year’s […]
Anti-Gun Media Elites Push Public Disarmament
A guest essay published by the New York Times earlier this week contends Republicans in the South will be responsible for the deaths of their neighbors and constituents—including from gunshot wounds—because they are more concerned about “freedom” than in what writer Margaret Renkl says is a “public health emergency.” According to Fox News, Renkl is […]
Gun Rights Group Unloads on Biden for Afghanistan Weapons Loss
The grassroots Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms is taking Joe Biden to task over what it calls the “ultimate hypocrisy” on gun policy, having just allowed the Taliban insurgency in Afghanistan seize “thousands of weapons and billions of dollars of equipment” while laboring here at home to disarm American citizens. […]
New Rasmussen Poll: 70% of Likely Voters Say ‘Crime Out of Control’
A stunning new Rasmussen survey released Tuesday shows a whopping 70 percent of likely voters agree that crime is “out of control” and an overwhelming 90 percent “are concerned about the recent increase in violent crime, including 64% who are Very Concerned.” The survey results amount to an indictment of approaches to the crime problem […]
Attention Gun Control Groups: This is What Safety Really Means
When the establishment media talks about “gun safety advocates,” it is typically about some gun control activist group pushing a political point, so when a real gun safety effort could be spotlighted, the press could get an eyeful. That’s an opportunity looming in Detroit this coming weekend (Aug. 21-22) in Detroit, when veteran firearms instructor […]