Receiving countless blessings from ChatGPT, including some gratuitously indecent digital proposals covertly encoded by irreverent and savage software programmers, the design of Tesla semi-trucks looks great on CAD applications and paper to tech enthusiasts. However empirical evidence cannot avert the discerning eyes and talents of the legitimate engineering community. While the Elon Musk infused corporate […]
Stacking The Deck- Where Quotas Meet A Quandary
The method of force feeding cattle resulting in Wagyu quality grade beef does not apply to the human condition illustrating a cathartic transmutation attaining value from the base components of nature, or maybe it does? Societal engineers and the disciples of post WWII-French philosophy, proponents of a pending Existential crises manifesting itself in a time […]
Stipulating The News Cycle- Bureaucracy Versus Monopoly
The latest tussle between big government and even more prodigious tech has once again manifested itself in a knee deep sludge of totalitarianism and tyranny, as the competition for the lesser of two evils pits F***book against state government. Curiously and disturbingly, the controversial legislation borrowed from Australia is both an act of censorship and […]
Promoting Self-Defense- Gun Friendly Rideshare Service Is Launched
Within the frenetic electronic news cycle comprised primarily of trending insignificance, cold hard facts as glaring disturbing beacons signal that certain facets and themes of society have veered onto a tenuous trajectory. Among the petabytes of recycled and inconsequential data hosted on vast server farms, which New Green Deal promoters fail to mention in their […]
Beckoning Dystopia- The West Coast Formula Of Fostering Crime
The flash mob was as coordinated as an Edo period Ninja assault on the quarters of the Shogun. Armed with smartphones, some carrying crowbars and others donning jumbo backpacks, the cadre of economic rioters rapidly emerged from the shroud of night in a flanking maneuver that Sun-Tzu and Africanus would have envied as the assault […]
Communist News Network Garners Numerous Awards
With the broadcast legacy of Ted Turner intertwined with the putrid ideology of “Hanoi” Jane, the Chinese News Network (CNN) is currently facing an identity crises, as the coalescence between soccer moms and the hipster suburban dog nannies sends shockwaves across the domain of online surveys. While the ratings hurl themselves off the antenna array […]
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