An ancient philosophical quandary dedicated to law enforcement has infiltrated the ranks of the tech industry. In preemptively apologizing to the gods that rule over the use of tenses and thus time, the epidemic of wrestling with semantics and logical conundrums has set a destination for the blue glass cubicle office park campuses of Silicon […]
The Juice Is On The Loose And The Dawning Of The New Age Of Aquarius- Future Fortunes Are Not Bright
Just as the mockingly reputable O.J. Simpson managed to cycle through the collective consciousness of baby boomers and generation X in finally achieving legitimate obscurity amidst the nonexistent attention span of the current hipster digital revolution, the inexplicable happened. Thanks to the vapid yet intriguing content of the trending social media newsfeed forwarding an aggressive […]
Parkland School Shooting Survivor And Second Amendment Advocate Experiences An Ivy League Denial
Though imploding from within by adopting a blazing rash of radicalized policy, Harvard. the elitist institution of higher learning founded nearly three centuries ago, proudly transcends time with a sardonic smirk. Snarky echoes of “We are better than you!” ping pong off the ivy covered walls, as the tendrils of the vines engulf the entire […]
Cannabis Behind Bars? Another Reason To Adopt A Life Of Crime In California And Get Caught
Lawmakers in the People’s Republic of mismanaging public policy to an ominous threshold of defeatism colliding with the bizarre and leading directly to an open ended invitation to join the ranks of the United Nations as a bandit territory and antithesis to the spirit of the Constitution, are finally justifying their paychecks and benefits. Well, […]
“You Say Tomato, I Say Tomato,” Let’s Call The Whole Grandstanding Merry Go Round Of The Green Movement Thing Off
Cue the jaunty jazzy tune of Let’s Call the Whole thing off with echoing percussion finger snaps… Enter stage left a mobile ice age wispy glacier… Enter stage right a mobile angry burning sun with a furrowed brow of discontent… Lower Al Gore donning a smock overrun by question marks to center stage. The periphery […]
The Corporate Allergy To The Second Amendment Continues To Grow
The politically charged environment emanating from the south Bay Area and challenging the very fundamental notion of physics in skewing light and liberty 270 degrees towards an extreme westerly direction and ultimately creating a dual existence based on delusion and intolerance, just received an infusion of meticulous innovation. No, the stirring and inspiring echoes from […]
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