The controversial social experiment involving aggressive attempts to indoctrinate and isolate a significant proportion of the online community which everyone loves to hate is possible reaching a sobering conclusion. With Barbra Streisand eagerly waiting to perform “The Way We Were” in the F***book corporate catacombs of intricately engineered sentient hallways promoting the deevolution of humanity into […]
Squirt-Gun Wielding School Principal Latest Target Of Phantom Propaganda
An elementary school administrator in Ohio might just have the “pal” unceremoniously omitted from “principal”, as the anti-fun and self-appointed mawkish justice league promoting victimhood, anonymously sent several complaints to a local newspaper, in response to the traditional end of the school year soak fest. Not surprisingly, staff from the news outlet decided to create […]
The Blunder Of A Generation- Why Does J.R. Smith Get A Pass?
Professional basketball just devolved from unwatchable to an abomination after the forward from the Cleveland Cavaliers making only $12.8 per season committed one the most inexplicable high profile indiscretions and void of any critical thinking skills since Leon Lett’s duo of unforgettable gridiron mental errors, in failing to grasp that the game was tied at […]
Could ride-sharing service face questions about guns following Denver freeway shooting?
NOTE: This story is updated from an earlier version. An early-morning shooting in Denver, CO, today is expected to raise questions about a major ride-share company’s positions on guns and whether they allow their drivers to carry their firearms while on the job. Police there have arrested a 29-year old man reportedly working for Uber […]
Down With Homework! School District Seriously Considers Eliminating The Requirement
In the modern jump cut digital world of the future shock, words such as “stressful” and “difficult” are given more credence than “tradition” and “education”. This wayward idea is readily apparent in the modern day infrastructure of the public school, where learning is being subjugated by progressive mentalities, which the threaten the development of critical thinking […]
Google Associates California Republican Party With “Nazism”
In the “you just can’t make this stuff up” shocking news story of the week, the world’s largest search engine took a giant step backwards in further alienating 50% of its US base, as online users discovered that the obviously biased corporation allowed the inclusion of “nazism” to be part of the organizational summary of […]
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