Two of the most industrialized countries in the world face the inevitable, average citizens will struggle to heat their homes this Winter. France and Germany, after decades of progressive environmental policy and the aggressive phasing out of traditional energies such as coal, oil, hydroelectric and even nuclear power, and the blind idealistic investment into “green […]
Iowans Want RKBA Provision in State Constitution
For more than 175 years, Iowans have been among the relative handful of citizens without a specific right to keep and bear arms provision in their state constitution, but that could change Nov. 8 when Hawkeye State voters will cast their ballots on the proposed amendment to enshrine the right. According to KCCI News, it’s a […]
Russia School Attack, Many Killed; Does Ted Cruz Have Answer to U.S. Incidents?
A killer reportedly wearing “Nazi symbols” opened fire at a school in Izhevsk, Russia Monday, killing more than a dozen people and wounding many others before taking his own life, undermining arguments from American gun prohibitionists that such things are an American phenomenon. Fox News is reporting that “at least 13 people are dead and […]
CA Doctor Calls for Rewriting 2nd Amendment to Reduce Violent Crime
Writing over the weekend at CalMatters, a California surgeon asserted, “The answer to America’s firearm injury epidemic must start with rewriting the U.S. Constitution’s Second Amendment.” Dr. John Maa practices medicine at the MarinHealth Medical Center in Marin County. He served as an Army officer during Desert Storm, but in writing his nearly-700-word Op-Ed, he […]
A Fusion Between Twitter And Government? Let The Games Begin
The prevarications of Elon Musk jabbing and juking at purchasing a digital empire in exposing the prevalence of fake accounts and bots will be in the shadows of a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing the testimony of an “ethical” hacker. Accusations from adept software wizard and whistleblower Zatko over Twitter’s apparent reckless handling of platform security […]
Decision to Track Credit Card Gun Purchases Ignites Firestorm
The weekend announcement that three major credit entities will “use a new code for gun shop purchases in US stores” has touched off a fury in the firearms community, with the National Rifle Association telling Business Insider the move “is nothing more than a capitulation to anti-gun politicians and activists bent on eroding the rights […]