Interest is building across the Second Amendment community for the 37th annual Gun Rights Policy Conference, to be held as a “live event” for the first time in two years, on the weekend of Sept. 30-Oct. 2. The conference will be held at the Westin Dallas-Fort Worth Airport hotel in Irving. Co-sponsored by the Second […]
Nevada county government official arrested, facing murder charge in connection with death of Las Vegas newspaper reporter
UPDATED 9/8/2022, 6:05am, from original version of story published 9/7/2022 The media’s relationship with government is one that has had its moments over the years, as the watchdog element of that media seeks to hold government officials accountable for their actions and decisions. It appears, though, that such an effort by one Las Vegas […]
Streaming Content And Another Dangerous Facet In Chicagoland
While Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s politically infused nightmare of a social experiment yields disheartening news each 24-hour-cycle, the city endures an avalanche of violence. As illegal firearms are dispersed liberally among the criminal underworld, yet law-abiding citizens are restricted by stringent gun laws, residents face another potential threat to public safety that is not widely known- […]
Grant County, WA Backs Off Claim Mass Shooting was Prevented
UPDATED 8-24 @12:29 p.m. — Authorities in Grant County, Washington have backed away from reports that made national headlines regarding the arrest of armed man at the Gorge Amphitheater, initially suggesting a mass shooting may have been averted. The suspect, identified by the Grant County Sheriff’s Office as Jonathan Moody, 31. He resides in Ephrata, […]