Although the decision was said to be made days ago, the endorsement was delayed until the day following the Iowa caucus and one week remaining until the New Hampshire presidential primary. The relationship between presidential candidate Donald Trump and former Massachusetts Senator, moderate Republican Scott Brown, has grown cozier because of a series of meetings […]
Lobbying Is To Corruption What Pencils Are To Misspelled Words
It seems that, of all things political, lobbying and campaign finance raises the biggest ire among “the American people.” They point out that “if we could just get money out of politics,” problems of corruption and the new “golden rule” would largely vanish. They might be right but the solution, in this case, is worse […]
VIDEO: Cruz Steals A Lead-Off Victory With More Nastiness On Deck
The Iowa caucus is over. Is it now time to crown the president? Oh, wait. That’s not how it’s done here. The race has only just begun. Is a baseball game decided after one inning? Or is a football game determined after one quarter? Or is a horse race decided before they even hit the […]