How many self-serving climate alarmists does it take to produce 25 chapters and 708 pages of rhetoric and guidelines forwarding a toxic ideology and sprinkled with subtle barbs towards Capitalism and the obligatory anti-american sentiment on a global scale proliferating since the conclusion of the World War II brutal battle theater? The answer, George Soros texted and he want his 150 dissident minions returned to facilitate the dense billion dollar river systems of tainted funds flowing through an a seemingly countless array or organizations and business entities in perpetually pressuring governments and the private sector to embrace the insidious Green Movement and the latest version harnessing opulent madness in the New Green Deal.
In a world run amok with radicals gearing up for the 2020 election and riding the coattails of human-influenced climate change as their flavor of the decade platform appealing to the wanna-be-Socialist entitled gullible zealots that every idea appearing on social media is based in truth, the fine officials at the United Nations have decided to join the fray and chaos of perpetual divisiveness by releasing the inanely intensive Geo-6 Global Climate Report. As the frenzy to parse and reduce universally relatable concepts contained within the extensive volume of propaganda into simple talking points and annoying chants reaches a feverish climax, critics have to wonder just how many instances of “gender equity” and “policy implementation” can occur in a scandalous borderline thesis, before symptoms of permanent brain damage afflict the average reader? The pretense that a group of bureaucrats provided oversight to secondary bureaucrats and a team of consultants should at least lessen the blow of passive brainwashing.
For those expecting a scintillating written production featuring a plethora of vibrant graphics, empty words, and gluttonous repetitive tactics and the ceaseless regurgitation of topics, the entirety of the report slammed it into the third deck in right center field. Unleashing a narrative based on a fairy tale world view of plausible collaboration between the first and third world, flowery metaphors, and obscure case studies, the authors attempt to pawn shared beliefs and various states of hypothesis in shunning evidence and fact. Reality and human nature are conveniently exchanged for idealism and the basic tenets of economics and earth sciences are regularly butchered in a mass killing of sensibility.
The basic premise names humanity as the chief culprit and not Mother Nature for the current planetary cycle dictating climate and the fate of terrestrial lifeforms. While human influenced climate change is brazenly and recklessly embraced, the billions of years of cyclical planetary changes is somehow lost in the thriving sea of cognitive dissonance. But speed reading through the complete text, it is apparent that the writers were curiously transparent in small doses, an irony that may be a subconscious self-indictment of incredulous logic and evidence of lucrative ulterior motives.
Here are some notable “lowlights” in most extensive flawed playbook offering very little substance.
The shocking amount of money spent globally for environmental concerns leaves no doubt that the Green movement is more than a profitable cottage business endeavor, as “industry” does not do the marketplace justice. The authors are more than elicit in substantiating this reality, “The global economic value of ecosystem services was estimated to be about $120 trillion in 2011.” Fast forward eight years, and the unbelievable figure only contributes to the side effects of digesting a buffet of UN policy. So a climate activist can say with a straight face that every single ideological aspect and product of the environmental movement is a proactive step in mitigating so-called climate change?
While industrialized nations are frequently chastised for not allocating resources to the disastrous economic, political and financial nightmare of the entire African continent, the republic of South Africa in interestingly singled out in graphs displaying the correlation of industry to carbon footprint. A politician from Cape Town must have earned a favor, while a wave of “reparations” rack farming communities, as families are literally losing their land to egregious and aggressive political pressures.
This quote grabbed from a chapter highlighting recommendations for fresh water stewardship is self-explanatory and quite telling. “Many areas now receive less precipitation that in the past, while others receive more, with most regions experiencing increasingly unpredictable and variable temperature and precipitation patterns.” ???
A burn towards masculinity taken from a meme included within the report. “But women still spend 16 million hours per day collecting water in 25 sub-Saharan countries.” So men are just sitting around and not working in the fields or hunting?
Gender politics are noted as key impact and “driver” for climate change. “The role of gender in environmental analysis will accelerate as the social equity and equality commitments of Agenda 2030 shape global policymaking.”
Finally, the authors are forthright in admitting that in many cases their conclusions are not actually backed by hard evidence. Unfortunately, the extremists and media outlets will completely ignore the lack of objective data. Below are some direct screen grabs from the report.
Other than the turbulent brain quakes endured and the prevalence of ineffective policy and bureaucratic mechanisms, the report was not a bad read, though assisted by a fifth of Tequila. In homage to the Hunter S. Thompson reference, the cleanse begins with Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail ’72. Thank god for the “Zoo plane”.
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