It seems Dallas now has a Seattle problem, as an influential District Attorney recently crafted a sloppy and heedless photo bombed millennial infused mentality of a disastrous social networking collage generating obdurate malaise through a startling public proclamation. As the national trendsetter in promoting passive aggressive leniency towards fighting dangerous criminals, public drug use, and the viral explosion of property crimes, through prayer circles, playful tree worship, and billions of wasted taxpayer dollars, the hub of the Pacific Northwest is a template for a modern fringe regime ceaselessly exploiting responsible citizens, and the vile tendrils of extremism have now reached central Texas via the subtle cosmic and universal waveforms prompting a savage and ugly butterfly effect.
At the forefront of the latest civic controversy ignited by a mawkish and unctuous two-faced approach to junk philosophy overflowing in progressive guilt is Dallas County District Attorney John Creuzot, and his ridiculous plan to transform certain crimes into life experiences, rather than punishments for breaking the law. The overzealous publicly elected delivery drone crash of a legal professional is now on the verge of global thermonuclear war with local law enforcement agencies and area residents, reports NBC-DFW, as he plans to dismiss property crime cases of $750 or less, and lower-level drug possession arrests. Allegedly, Creuzot is under the heavy influence of delusion that there exits a distinction between “crimes”, and “crimes of necessity”, a disturbing interpretation of oversight, and a damaging mentality shared by elected legal representative in the hellhole of Seattle, as repeat offenders brazenly roam the streets actively searching for their next victim, and epitomize the chilling foreshadowing of the statement, “It’s not a matter of if, but when”.
If allowed to proceed, the troubling directives set forth by Creuzot will initially appear to have limited impact on the daily ebb and flow of the city, but once the organism of ceaseless bureaucracy feasts and matures on the luxury of time, there is literally no turning back. Police, Judges, and prosecutors attempting to uphold the law in Seattle and promote the sliver of civility that is left in an overgrown thorny bramble of public drug use, car camping, sea of burglaries, and piles of human waste and needles, are handcuffed by the unwillingness of the District Attorney and City Attorney to process offenders. The situation has reached the Grunge-Era heights of a morphine surreal dream, that a judge attempting to lock up and throw away the key for a perpetual threat to society convicted of 72 crimes and 14 felonies, is facing inexplicable pressure from legal colleagues and the city, to apparently embrace empathy and the failed program of free-reign rehabilitation hand holding completely absent of accountability, or else. The City Attorney believes that menacing individual should face limited jail time and be ordered to enroll in a rehabilitative program, a pipe dream that defies logic.
The biggest loser in each of the sprawling municipalities, is of course the law-abiding and tax-paying citizen, as the mad lib radical economics tone deaf leadership attempts to alleviate a public union pension nightmare in conducting bold and reckless social experiments with a small percentage of other people’s money, while the remainder of the public extorted billions of dollars annual sum disappears into the tangled coffers of the city’s financial maze. As low income individuals and families are being exploited in order to secure grants and propagate cottage industries, unsafe neighborhoods decay into chaotic wastelands of lawlessness, while headlining politicians propagandize that humans are inherently good, and the worst of the worst criminal element is simply a product of environment, rather than free will.
Ironically, the city of Seattle implemented an aggressive firearm and ammunition tax in 2016, effectively driving remaining gun shops outside of city limits. In championing their victory for ultra-liberal unconstitutional institutional control, council members failed to acknowledge that in reality those who were left the most vulnerable by the the insidious tax, were the poor, as the process of obtaining legal devices for self-defense became that much more difficult of an endeavor. While basically disarming those in the lower economic brackets, and unleashing an avalanche of crooks back onto the streets, the city created the perfect storm, a perpetual gift that keeps and giving for those who are forced to work and live next to volatile degenerates, and are left vulnerable to the possibility of unprovoked attacks.
The most reasonable and short-term solution to combat the interpretation of codification spurring societal engineering attempts, is the existence of transparency in the election process. Currently, judges, prosecutors and in many cases district attorneys are elected positions, however candidates are not required to declare an affiliation with a political party, leaving voters to guess as to how individuals will respond to important issues. Requiring potential electees to divulge ideological allegiances for traditional non-partisan offices. In the case of Creuzot or Dan Satterburg Prosecuting Attorney for King County where Seattle is located, providing the citizens with crucial and valuable information before a dissident is officially elected from the ballot is at least a positive step in facilitating damage control.
Read the NBC-DFW story here.