On the impossible cragged experimental route to the wavering virgin summit of Yangmolong, the infinite counteracts with the arduous, as the intricate framework of belay, rope and pully terminus network abruptly fails in unveiling the vast emptiness of the sudden harrowing eloquence unshackled by the frigid alpine wind force of vertical gravity.
After 32 years of mainstream network satirical anime, team members of the Simpsons, attempting an ascension to rarified air, have reached a tragic impasses to an historic apex, as the reactionary impulses of a cast member in the form of a fatal slip, activated an instantaneous equal but opposite disastrous reaction within the unrelenting and treacherous autonomous environment. From nearly four miles below the peak of fame’s apex, the gradually unfolding tragedy of Hank Azaria flailing is graceful, if not profoundly foretelling.
One of Azaria’s most popular and influential characters, the jovial software engineer of a mini-mart clerk, Apu Nahasapeemapetilon is the latest humorous and fictional character to be hurled from the ceiling of the world by the mystical politically correct Yeti, that may or may not be affiliated with the Dali Llama. The veteran voice actor of multiple characters lore, opted to take the tediously hazardous route of glaciers and crevasses in attempting to conquer Yangmolong, with a mawkish apology to the entire BIPOC cultural attache sociological project in empowering minorities. The fervid incubation chamber for individuals wishing to practice Democratic Socialism in undermining the tenets of basic freedoms and liberties through ideological guerilla warfare and detrimentally regressive tactics in manufacturing minor crises through horrendous policy branded as a universal hand holding golden moment for society, is exemplified by the decaying urban corridors emanating from the West coast.
Azaria’s tacitly strategic surrender to the will of the PC movement was cookie-cutter bulletin material for the NAACPs, Southern Poverty Law centers, and university professors of the world to incite the young and impressionable to begin the Democratically influenced content and book burning barbeque transforming ideas from comedy and fiction into taboos that do not align with a specific narrative.
“I apologize for my part in creating that and participating in that,” Azaria stated. “Part of me feels I need to go round to every single Indian person in this country and apologize.”
While the sentiment of Azaria borders on the condescendingly sappy to Americans of all races and walks of life, who found Apu to be a hilarious component in a show that at one time made of everything and everyone, and providing the vital outlet of laughter in an increasingly arduous and fragile world. For a show that has publicly marketed itself from the beginning as a forum for making fun of anybody and everything, the pivot by one of the Simpson’ headline cast members is shocking until one takes inventory of the current political climate
While the celebrity should not be castigated and stigmatized as a vapid product of Hollywood, the ulterior motive in promoting diversity within the highly competitive and historically exclusive generational talent ranks of the animated voice industry is a worthy campaign. However, the endgame has recently been tainted for extremists urging acting roles to be performed by a member of that specific race. On the Simpsons this means that Dr. Hibbard and Carl can only be portrayed by individuals of black ancestry, and the ominous Japanese chef has to be played by an Asian, preferably Japanese. The demands from the LGBT lobby call for queer characters to be voiced only by gays and so on. The procedural rhetoric proliferating from the far left and the individual, being, or AI behind the viral trendiness of “cancel culture” is swiftly degrading the excellence and wittiness of the animated industry by attempting to dilute a small group of individuals, who possess a rare cavalcade of talents and attributes that is impossible to emulate.
Ironically, Azaria’s seamless flexibility in playing a host of characters is also the damming factor of this entire sordid narrative. Even with all the violent internecine and anti-cop propaganda forwarded by the countercultural movement and assorted mainstream media outlets, the blunderingly incompetent and charmingly obese Chief Wiggum still rules the roost of keystone cops at the Springfield police department. As law enforcement agencies on a national scale face a perpetual stream of retched scrutiny that is 99% of the time unmerited, the issue with Wiggum personification of a Barney Fife negative stereotype is virtually non-existent, as the character is evolvingly and innovatively funny has the capers and context throughout the years pushes the envelope of hilarity. Middle-aged white males from middle America are certainly not averse to the face of the show Homer Simpson, as the character is driven by horrendous indiscretions and character flaws, as the brilliantly simplistic character causes belly laughter for being himself, of inflicts tears of his joy with his basic displays of humanity and unconditional love. Everybody loves a balding fat ass.
“Not wishing to be left behind by Hank Azaria, I would like to apologise on behalf on (sic) Monty Python for all the many sketches we did making fun of white English people. We’re sorry for any distress we may have caused.”
Not wishing to be left behind by Hank Azaria, I would like to apologise on behalf on Monty Python for all the many sketches we did making fun of white English people
We're sorry for any distress we may have caused
— John Cleese (@JohnCleese) April 13, 2021
Cleese’s adept and snarky retort emphasizes that society is only healthy when one can laugh at themselves through a relaxed collaboration with the medium of comedy, and a staunch reminder that “sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never hurt me,” a crucial life lesson that is now unofficially banned by the nanny state, and a legion of overprotective parents influence and indoctrinated by an educational system scuttling the three r’s for federally-funded and state endorsed obscure social studies and art appreciation curriculums. The contemporary suburban dog mom, replacing the multi-faceted tennis shoes mother of the 1980’s, can name the indigenous factions of the Pacific Northwest, but is unable to employ basic critical thinking skills in being unable to process the unflattering and negative thermodynamic results of the strenuous net energy costs and environmental impact of producing electric vehicles compared with traditional gas-combustible models. And then there is the battery issue. The unsettling coalescence of binary arithmetic and fringe Anthropology, leads to (il)logical imperatives , and the integrity of the First Amendment is threatened as youth are coddled in smothering fashion. Disgustingly, the overuse of the “f” word is considered edgy humor by this group of brainwashed martyrs, and indecency is embraced if the lexicon does not include trigger words.
As the Girl Scouts cookie brigade is backed by Fortune 500 capital and the distribution process is streamlined in the spirit of Nabisco, the “knows what’s best Karen mentality” of tract housing sprawl is at least partly responsible for the change in administrations, and the plummeting IQ levels submitting to the instant gratification cocktail of Ritalin and twenty hours of smartphone time per day.
Watching classic comedy endure a slow and painful demise due to a society that is intolerantly tolerant leads to a pessimistic outlook for the near future, an iridescent tapestry of self-expression transformed into a prison motif of listless shades of gray, with the forthcoming punchlines and bits boring after undergoing the politically correct process of approval. In this pathetic thermo-nuclear post-holocaust radiation zone of discontent and sorrow, a soft chuckle originates from envisioning the stained wife-beater tank top donning miscreant with the van taking a carefree hit of heroin from his mobile camp in front of Shannon Watt’s family home with maybe two or three lawn chairs blocking the sidewalk and assorted trash heaps as PoMo decor contrasting with the hypocritical white picket fences of delusion.
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