In the wake of her latest gaffe before an audience in India on her continuing “excuse tour,” Hillary Rodham Clinton appears to have finally hit the limit among Democrats who, according to The Hill, would like for her to stop talking about “what went wrong” with the 2016 election.
“Even some of Clinton’s own former aides and surrogates say the former Democratic presidential nominee should back away from the discussion about her failed campaign because it’s harmful to the party,” The Hill reported.
Clinton’s foot-in-mouth moment came when she asserted that women who voted for Donald Trump succumbed to pressure from “your husband, your boss, your son, whoever…” This remark apparently offended a lot of women.
Her other incendiary comment about how the places she won “are optimistic, diverse, dynamic, moving forward” reminded the rest of the country that they fall into her “basket of deplorables.”
“She put herself in a position where [Democrats] from states that Trump won will have to distance themselves from her even more,” said one former senior Clinton aide. “That’s a lot of states.”—The Hill
As reported by Fox News this week, Clinton’s remarks came as she was being interviewed at a conference in Mumbai, India. She was questioned by India Today editor-in-chief Aroon Purie.
She tried to portray Trump’s campaign message as racist, aimed at people who “didn’t like black people getting rights, you don’t like women, you know, getting jobs. You don’t want, you know, to see that Indian American succeeding more than you are.”
It is the kind of rhetoric that inflames people in Middle America, where Trump won solidly, and where Democrats hope to regain some ground in this fall’s mid-term elections.
To all the people who warmed up to Trump’s “Make America Great Again” slogan, she said they wanted to go backwards. Ironically, Clinton appears to be permanently stuck in November 2016. Meanwhile, all of those people who are seeing more take-home money on their paychecks and who got a bonus from their companies, and whose taxes have been trimmed think this is all a great step forward.
Still, Democrats have a major problem they must overcome. While many are hoping Hillary finally shuts up – history suggests she won’t simply because she craves the spotlight – the party must explain just how it was that she ever became their candidate in the first place.