A friendly fisherman, who was doing his best impression of a benevolent naturalist, quickly learned the valuable lesson that Mother Nature has a cruel sense of humor. The first mistake the jolly angler made was in coaxing a pelican towards his table with scraps as he was cleaning his catch.
The second and fatal miscalculation, was to put his absolute trust in the bird. The crafty pelican (you can’t spell pelican without “can”), with its mate looking on, took full advantage in lull in the man’s attention span and boldly scored a fresh meal with a lightning quick stab and gulp maneuver. The bird finished off the heist with a nifty touchdown dance. The flock of seagulls were less than impressed by the obvious crime and jive, than by the fisherman’s amazing boning skills. YouTube user Newsflare shares the hilarious interchange between man and bird.
WATCH: As The Pelican Makes A Strong Claim As Part Of The Food Chain