Society is both stupid and boisterously insufferable from an activism standpoint, as the assault on history continues with a noxious agenda intertwined with hapless dreams of utopia in creating a culture worthy of an anthill. The frank intolerance and implacability from the extremes of both sides is threatening to transform at least the urbanized parts of the nation into bastions of communism, where the Constitution and basic individual rights are muddled by the crocodile tears of the apparent victims, minorities, entitled intellectuals, and the lazy bums of addicted to soulless bureaucracy of unchecked government.
In a narrative that transcends the basic framework of linguistics, logic, common sense, and decency, a student at the University has founded a website where alleged victims of sexual assaults are encouraged, no given a celebratory parade and a federal grant, to name the alleged perpetrator. Ironically, the Seattle Times reported on this deplorable and disgusting reality in guaranteeing that the founder of the website would not be named in the article. Just another wonderful instance of the mainstream media helping to forward a dangerous agenda to the basic pillars of liberty.
While this whole scenario is about to explode with legal ramifications as to libel and slander, as none of the listed individuals have been formally accused, have the brilliant folks supporting the accusers forgotten the hysteria surrounding the Duke Lacrosse team rape case or Rolling Stone publishing the “a rape on campus” article that was based on a blatant lie? Please read the comments in regards to the Times article at your own risk, as the power of the anonymity breeds ridiculous and disturbing thoughts, with absolutely no regard for the basic right of innocent before proven guilty.
College campuses are already a vast over compensation of liberal tendencies bordering on totalitarianism, and allowing this list as a community only furthers the idea that reasonable families should seriously consider alternatives to higher education, as campaigns of reverse discrimination are commonplace on the fervid academic islands of affirmative action.
The title of the movement behind the damaging website, “Make Them Scared”, says it all. What chance in hell does a male on campus stand now if the other party on a date feels inclined to simply stir up some trouble just because they are having a bad day? This completely discourages men and women to have any sort of dating life, as it will always be in the background that outside the confines of the legal system, a reputation can simply be damaged on a whim. Just ask the team members of the Duke Lacrosse team the public scrutiny and life altering damnation they faced in the wake of prosecutor Nifong’s transgressions, or the tar and feather media campaign led by the intolerable Nancy Grace and her team of feminist goons.
Unfortunately, rapes do happen in the real world and offenders are brought to justice, yet giving young people a free forum to accuse an individual of heinous and violent acts without judge and jury is beyond reproach and similar to the misinformation disaster that is the social networks based on no consequences due to anonymity is probably one of the top ten worst ideas in history. That being said, the spurious and detrimental and underlying principles of an internet corrupted by a noxious bias and patrolled by administrators controlled by an ant hill mentality, is the furthest destination from freedom in a vapid galaxy of counterproductive group think. As societal laws are being projected electronically, the very basis of reality and culture are implied instead of lived. Success is measured through victimhood, rather than merit, and the world is a worse place as a result. Chillingly, science fiction is being intertwined into the fabric of the possible as the majority of the population simply believes it, because they read it.
Read the Seattle Times article here.