The gentle transition from the perpetual shadows and biting cold and ice of Winter in the Northwest, to the leisurely days of warmth and light, does not illustrate a linear temperance, at least from an ideological front. With all the goodwill and peace displayed by most of humanity in celebrating the rebirth and eternal hope represented by the Easter holiday officially in the past for 2019, a subtle hit campaign published on Friday targeting traditional Christianity can now thoroughly be exposed to the intricate processes of criticism and rebuke.
In a tawdry and contrived snarky gesture of ignorantly mocking kindness and tolerance, the Seattle Times chose to run a controversial opinion piece on a revisionist congregation promoting progressive Christianity and the politicization of the scripture, rather than publishing a feature article about an established church perpetually giving back to the community with members displaying a stringent belief system, based on the actual teachings of Christ. Only within the reckless experimentation of splicing indoctrination with spirituality does the pro-abortion stance of Ruth Bader-Ginsberg earn the status of a saint, suggests the Seattle Times, and the abrupt pivot from embracing the ultimate act of selflessness to hosting an adult daycare of arts and crafts propaganda session should be the new template for salvation that caters to the lifestyle of hipster activist.
The writer of the column, who will mercifully go unnamed for the lame attempt to question thousands of years of established culture, in purposefully swerving across 11 interstates and 16 state highways with the flawed programmed autonomy of a self-driving vehicle lusting for the blood of humanity, deserves absolutely zero leniency, as the grouping of radical ideas and veiled insults, would serve most effective on the left-leaning platform of Twitter and in concise dosages forwarding a terrible narrow-minded narrative. However, the revolving door directive facilitated by the new wave congregation of encouraging community members to line the hallways of worship with personal artwork depicting the self-serving canonization of alleged “saints” highlighted by Ginsberg and collection of rogue activists, does not require the stage of an insufferable editorial to endure the justified public scrutiny. Earlier this year, the same gossip writer authored a troubling and apologist missive damning patriotism, so the anti-Christianity tone of the content is in no way shocking.
Adding insult to injury, the unforgivable violent terrorist attacks on churches in Sri Lanka during the Easter Sunday ultimately claiming the lives of 321 souls, puts into perspective just how many vitriolic light years domestic extremists are off from reason and morality in relentlessly and belligerently castigating and aggressively shaming the rituals of traditional parishioners. But leftists are obsessed with the fueling the PC movement and winning the affections of global Muslims factions at the expense of Christians, even with the reprehensible existence of militant fundamentalists threatening the ideals and freedoms of the Western world.
In the reprehensible conundrum of the modern nightmarish reality, members of non-Islam religions are subject to harsh criticism in regards to the entire foundation of their faith, while it has become virtually impossible to criticize any aspect of the teachings and lifestyle dictated by the Koran. With a hearty thanks to liberal rags such as the Seattle Times and a boisterous barn of reprehensible idealists, Christianity is a mere afterthought in a society where the vibrant colors of individualism and diverse beliefs are reduced to a maudlin drab cloak of gray. It’s not a matter of how or why, but because they can.