A recent poll by USA Today/Suffolk University shows Kamala Harris’ approval rating even lower than Joe Biden’s, underscoring the plummeting popularity of the administration only ten months into its reign.
Harris, a former California attorney general whose gun policies got her sued by the Second Amendment Foundation, was panned in a recent National Review piece by Charles C.W. Cooke, who once write after she quit the presidential campaign in December 2019 that he hoped the departure would “destroy her career.”
When she was on the campaign trail—remember, Democrats didn’t offer much support in those early primary contests—she vowed that if she were to become president, she would give Congress 100 days to act on her gun policies, or do it by executive action.
According to the USA Today/Suffolk University poll, Harris’ approval rating is a woeful 28 percent, with 51 percent disapproving of her job performance. Twenty-one percent are undecided.
Only days ago, Harris’ communications director, Ashley Etienne, announced her resignation, which becomes effective in December. According to CNN, Etienne is quitting to “pursue other opportunities.” That’s the official White House story.
Critics rip Harris for chaos on the border. She was put in charge of the border situation, and it has gotten progressively worse. Harris was sharply criticized for not even going to the border for a firsthand look.
Perhaps no criticism could be more brutal than that dished out in the National Review by Cooke, who wrote—among other things—“Kamala Harris is a talentless mediocrity whose only political flair is for making things worse than they were before she arrived.”
Biden temporarily transferred power to Harris Friday while he was under anesthesia for a colonoscopy at Walter Reed Medical Center as part of his annual physical.
Adding to the Biden administration’s woes, a new Quinnipiac University poll released this week shows Americans by a 46-38 percent margin “would want to see the Republican Party win control of the House of Representatives” in 2022. By a 46-40 margin, they also want the GOP to take control of the Senate. Translation: Such an election flip would effectively neuter the administration.