As the multifaceted and deleterious tendrils of the public employee unions intrude upon the livelihood workers, the jolt of exploitation as vivid and deranged as the perverse definition of justice by the combined casts of Empire and Hamilton in placing race baiting above common law, standard economic practices are forced into poorly manufactured and untested self-flying vehicles.
California of all places is the location for the latest battle matching a pair of reasonable individuals against the entire bureaucratic matriarchy of unionization, and the highway system of hardcore policy will surely host a record number of bombastic collisions and spirited exchanges in a society where everyone has to have the last word. Two state employees on the payroll at public universities have taken the street fight directly to the legal system, reports Fox News, as personal liberties and sensibility are at stake in a world attempting to fade into the irrelevant surrealism shrouded under a heavy smog of second hand cannabis vaping exhaust fumes.
As the last six decades have seen public labor unions mutate from effective watchdog organizations demanding accountability and equality from employers and into multi-billion dollar entities generally compromising the quality of the product by making employees virtually impervious to termination, the irony is not in the shuffle that the modern iteration of the teamsters has reached the troubling development stage rivaling a self-serving organism. The insufferable transformation of functioning and effective bodies into raw bastions of bureaucracy and eternal stagnation is a fate most notably endured by NASA after the Apollo missions, which unfortunately culminated in the Challenger disaster, and education unions in placing a prioritizing managing pensions, rather than developing students. The taxpayer takes it directly on the chin from Mike Tyson in his prime and possibly loses and earlobe in the process, as mountains of money are poured into the vacuum of space on marooned on an obscure planet, never to be heard from or make an actual difference in improving the world.
While the pair of state employees swimming in brevity by orchestrating a backlash against policy that forces them to give up a percentage of each paycheck to fund political causes, last year the Supreme Court reached a landmark decision in ruling that mandatory membership to public-sector unions and subsequent deductions from paychecks was unconstitutional and violated First Amendment rights. Though further aggressive actions by state labor representation to force the hands of workers has been effectively squelched, the pending lawsuit will set to alleviate previous transgressions, and hopefully produces a black eye for organizations misrepresenting unwilling members and taking advantage of a platform and loopholes to enact political influence.
It will interesting to see the possible interoffice blowback towards the plaintiffs from the college campus environment dominated by progressive ideology and the noxious rhetoric of propaganda creating a dominant culture breeding future socialists based off of coercion and fear, and strictly adverse to free thought. As the hypocrisy looms and prepares the majority of students for barista positions in vast coffee chains, while student loan debt balloons much to the delight of union leadership and a certain sect of politicians, what recourse do marginal tenured employees have to the unsettling reality that accountability is about to be introduced and jobs can actually be lost based on performance and without the backing of systematic goons? Get the pitchforks and torches ready at UC Berkeley and fire up the social media anonymous shaming campaigns.
The novel and powerful concept of pruning back the thorny blackberry brambles of bureaucracy for the benefit of all emanating from California is both startling and humorous, and exemplifies that life can be a divine comedy if one keeps and open mind and embraces hope that one golden moment out of 10,000 is all that can be expected from a state that has more in common with Soviet puppet regimes than nuances of the the US republic.
Read the Fox News story here.