British media reports about a wave of knife-related murders in London underscore what an American gun rights group is calling the “dirty little secret of gun control” because criminals simply do not obey the law and the people responsible for passing such laws are cowards for not admitting it.
So says Alan Gottlieb, chairman of the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, a national gun rights organization based in Washington State. He was reacting to reports that 15 people have been murdered in London over the past 19 days, and most of them were stabbed.
“Our friends in the United Kingdom suffer under horribly restrictive gun laws, yet the murders in London reveal something anti-gunners everywhere refuse to acknowledge,” Gottlieb said in a statement Monday morning. “While the British have campaigned for people to turn in knives, it’s clear from the body count in their capitol city that their outlaws are just like American criminals. They do not obey the laws against guns, knives or murder and mayhem.
“And that,” he said, “is the dirty little secret of gun control. Criminals always find a way to violate the law.”
The Daily Mail reported that the murder rate in London has surpassed the murder rate in New York City for the first time in history. Gottlieb noted that the United Kingdom has very strict gun ownership laws, so British criminals have simply turned to another lethal weapon.
The Independent suggested that many if not most of the killings may be gang related. So far, 29 people have been murdered with knives in London since Dec. 31, 2017 and it appears to be the result of a bloody turf war.
There is no small irony in the fact that more people are murdered in the United States with knives and other cutting instruments than with rifles and shotguns combined, according to the FBI Uniform Crime Reports. This raises questions about the motives of people in this country who want to ban so-called “assault rifles.”
“The time has come for authorities on both sides of the Atlantic to admit that their decades-old campaigns of citizen disarmament have created an environment where criminals thrive,” Gottlieb contended. “Sadly, the people responsible for these restrictions, which penalize honest citizens, are just too cowardly to admit their failures. Instead, they hide behind the empty promises of new restrictions which won’t work any better than the old restrictions, and that’s a problem in both countries.”
According to the Daily Mail, last year saw the most fatal stabbings among young people in London since 2002, and the most knife-related slayings there in nearly a decade.
So what do the authorities in London ask people to do? Turn in their knives because thugs are using them as murder weapons. Disarming good people because of crimes prevented by bad people has never worked, whether the murder weapon was a gun, knife, rock, blunt instrument or even a motor vehicle, say gun rights advocates.