(Editor’s Note- Harvard officially retracted the invitation to Manning in the wake of a massive public backlash and the cancellation of an appearance on campus by CIA director and alum Mike Pomepo.)
Pardon the delightfully awful pun in the title, but as the English language continues to endure a systemic and grotesque pre-autopsy, as the meaning of words are pried apart to the dreadful sound of severed muscles, snapping bones, and the ancestral stunned gasps from the millions of graves of all who made this country great. With the onset of political correctness, a full scale plague has terminally afflicted the very foundation of language and primal instinct, in the form of an ominous transformative fog engulfing the eons of traditions and the base structure of human DNA.
At the forefront of cultural engineering, is of course the majority of administrators and staff protected by walls of pungent ivy, at what is construed as the higher education nexus in the deconstruction and formulation of the most brilliant young minds. Within the catacombs and laboratories of cultural indoctrination and revisionism, Fox News reports that the collective at Harvard made the resounding and bizarre decision to honor traitor Chelsea Manning, and in propping up the convicted former soldier of espionage to elite status, the stage is now set for those on campus to revel in the politicalization of a zealot and alter the definition of treason. CIA director Mike Pomepo, a proud graduate of the university, was so upset by the actions taken by the university, that he canceled an appearance at his alma mater, as the national backlash swells.
In a plot twist appropriate for a Netflix series, the institution also made former Trump press secretary Sean Spicer as a fellow for the 2017-2018 academic year. Surprisingly, Manning is the first transgender convicted spy twitter rock star fellow in the history of the Boston area university. Unconfirmed sources have leaked that the 2018 honorary faculty at Harvard will include former astronaut and love triangle vixen Lisa Nowak, as well as a radioactive homosexual pelican with a lust for prickly pear cactus. A member of Putin’s elite circle, allegedly turned down an offer from the institution, due to the plethora of business extortion opportunities offered by Russia hosting the next World Cup.
The caveat to the tired act of the Ivy league school offering a fellowship to a proven criminal, is the collective and forceful slap to the face of the millions of men and women of the US military, who are more deserving of the honor for their service to the nation and steadfast loyalty, than a decrepit pseudo-patriot. With the promotion of Manning to a threshold of universal respect and accord on campus, the administration at Harvard as well as the various counter cultural movements are once again engaged in the bait and switch illogical game of justifying the sordid acts of unabashed espionage in attempting to redefine the concept of a traitor. As with Edward Snowden, the conscientious and blatant act of releasing classified government information to the public is somehow deemed to be heroic in a rugged and justified manner at the heart of which is anti-establishment- a perfect scenario for the disruptors and the anarchists to languish in. Apparently, acting upon an epiphany and resolving an inner conflict is justifiable in spite of the consequences, as long as the mechanism for the actions are within the realm of social justice. (Sounds horrifying familiar?) What gets lost in the mawkish shuffle of celebrating the quasi-hero, is the anti-american reality of committing an act of espionage and getting caught with elbows firmly within the depths of the forbidden cookie jar. With university faculty and students openly showing support for vandals and violent protestors blatantly breaking the law for the sake of a cause, though the despicable choices of Manning in selling her or his soul to the devil may have been orchestrated at an ingrained level at the rare heights of the spy game, the cloak and dagger tactics of a traitor show no real distinction from the simple act of a masked antifa thug cowardly destroying the front window of a small business.
In this mad world of discontent, the word crime may soon devolve and be used to describe an act of revolution. Maybe, the murderer in California, who underwent a sex change in prison on the tax payer’s dime, will be the next to give commencement at an esteemed university, and send a group of inspired graduates straight into the dragon’s mouth of delusion and the antithesis to reality.
Read the Fox News article here.