UPDATED 5/3/2019 @ 9:30 a.m. — The Daily Mail is reporting that a new edition of “Obama: The Call of History” says former president Barack Obama felt a “personal insult” when Donald Trump, rather than Hillary Rodham Clinton, replaced him in the White House, and worried about his “legacy.”
According to newly-released job and economic figures, that legacy as of Friday morning could be in shambles. Market Watch is reporting that “The economy generated a stronger than expected 263,000 new jobs in April, helping to drive down the unemployment rate to a 49-year low of 3.6%.”
And, according to CNBC, “The U.S. added 263,000 new hires in April, easily beating Wall Street expectations of 190,000.”
All of those jobs that Obama once predicted would not be coming back have apparently returned. The downside is that fuel prices are rising, at least in states with high gasoline taxes including California and Washington.
UPDATE: According to the White House, “nominal average hourly earnings in April rose by 3.2 percent over the past 12 months, marking the 9th straight month that year-over-year wage gains were at or above 3 percent.”
The good economic news appears to cross the American landscape, with the White House reporting the unemployment rate for adult women (20+) reaching 3.1 percent last month. That is the lowest rate since 1953, the White House noted.
At the same time, the unemployment rate for Hispanics declined to 4.2 percent, “the lowest rate since the series began in 1973,” the White House added.
Further, the White House reported a decline in the unemployment rate for those with only a high school education, to 3.5 percent. This matches the lowest rate since 2000.
And for veterans, there is also good news. Their unemployment rate fell to 2.3 percent, the lowest point since 2000.
According to the Daily Mail report, Obama was stunned that Trump—a man “he had written off as a ‘cartoon’”—had emerged in 2016 as his successor. Author Peter Baker, chief White House correspondent for the New York Times, reportedly notes in this updated edition that Obama blamed Clinton for blowing the election. After all, it seemed that almost everyone expected her to win handily. The story says Obama said Clinton “brought many of her troubles on herself and ran a ‘scripted, soulless campaign.’”
The Daily Mail report also said this: “Obama arrogantly thought there was ‘no way Americans would turn on him’ even though Clinton was far from perfect.”
Arrogance seemed to permeate the Obama presidency. His infamous tweet that, “I’m extremely proud of the fact that over 8 years we have not had the kinds of scandals that have plagued other administrations” is so demonstrably false that the Daily Wire took issue with it.
The Washington Post’s Glenn Kessler even detailed ten of Obama’s “biggest whoppers” in January 2017, a virtual slap in the face to the liberal Democrat considering the source.
Now, two years after taking office, Trump—despite all of his personality faults—has championed policies that have jump started the economy. So far on Trump’s watch, his policies have restored jobs and reduced taxes, while also changing the complexion of the federal courts, including the U.S. Supreme Court, to restore balance and possibly, as nationally-known gun rights advocate Alan Gottlieb puts it, “make the Second Amendment great again.”
That much may be in motion right now, since the U.S. Supreme Court this week advised the City of New York that it would not be allowed to stall a challenge to its Draconian handgun regulation in a case the high court has accepted for review. Popular opinion has the court striking down the Big Apple restriction hard, which gun prohibitionists fear will open the doors to even more Second Amendment cases.
Earlier this week, Gottlieb’s Second Amendment Foundation hailed three court decisions that provide signals of a changing legal environment where gun rights are concerned.
Obama thought Trump was “a joke,” according to the Daily Mail article.
It now appears the joke was on Obama.