The imprint of technological giant Samsung is not merely confined to substandard testing practices in regards to the recent and notable outbreak of self-combustion pratfalls involving the Galaxy 7 Note smartphone, which obviously feature an ingrained and very real app interfaced perilously with the heroics of first responders in heroically and effectively dousing the caustic flames of a dangerous and unrefined technology.
A change in regime has been officially orchestrated as human rights activist Moon Jae-in claimed the presidency in resounding fashion after dominating the polls and effectively scouring the jaded pathway of corruption and scandal left by impeached predecessor Park Geun-hye and her unethical and fraternal ties to Samsung. Moon’s initial step and underwhelming dogma in solving the crises to the North, is to advocate an influx of diplomacy.
The people of the democratic are now at the veritable mercy of a career one-worlder, who fought multiple legal battles on behalf of individuals apparently and horrendously stripped of their basic rights and liberties. At one point as a student in the 1970’s, Moon was detained by officials for leading demonstrations against the military regime of Park’s father, Park Chung-hee. According to BBC News, these behavioral and political tendencies are a direct indication that the current sanctions against the dictatorship to the North will slacken with Moon’s proclivity towards the abstract and unattainable concept of eternal world peace. What this means for the US military installations located within proximity to Seoul and Pusan as well as billions of dollars invested into the infrastructure of the South Korean industrial and financial sector is now a burgeoning question mark. As the realities of unemployment plague the nation for the younger generations, he has decreed that the classic collectivism and socialistic framework of farming and industry administered by families undergo a serious retooling effort. Ironically, Moon is critical of the performance of previous regimes in preventing the North from furthering weapons development, yet he vows to attempt to restore diplomatic relationships between the two governments.
The most notable aspect in the aftermath of the election is the resounding public and digital silence from China, in providing a telling response to the impending friendlier tone and collaborative policy promised from the new gatekeeper of Seoul. While a political moderate would have provided a necessary segue in cauterizing the obvious corruption and inherent conflict of interest generated by the blurred lines separating South Korean politics from commercials ventures, the ultimate election of an apologist may spell doom for US presence and venture on the peninsula, as the biting laughter from the North goes unnoticed. As most Americans have more knowledge of Samsung products and the selfie and social networking capabilities of the devices than the actual nation, this could get interesting.
Read the full BBC News story here.