A new Rasmussen survey released this week says only 29 percent of likely voters think the U.S. is headed in the right direction, while 64 percent believe the nation is on the wrong track.
According to Rasmussen, last year at this time, 18 percent said the nation was going in the right direction, so it appears the nation is in a recovery mode, and 77 percent thought the country was going the wrong way. But that may be a big “maybe.”
The Rasmussen Daily Presidential Tracking Poll shows Joe Biden is still trailing when it comes to people who have faith in his job performance. While 44 percent believe he was doing okay in June, 54 percent did not approve of his job performance, Rasmussen said.
The veteran survey company noted that during Biden’s first year in office, “his approval hit a high of 52% in May of that year, but dropped significantly after the botched withdrawal from Afghanistan in August 2021.” It does not appear to have recovered.
For comparison, during his first full month in office, former President Donald Trump’s approval rating was at 51 percent (February 2017) and dropped to 42 percent in August of that year, Rasmussen said.
In a separate survey, Rasmussen found that Republicans “have the edge” with voters when it comes to dealing with corruption in government. This poll found that 45 percent of likely voters trust the GOP to better handle government ethics and corruption, while 42 percent trust Democrats.
There’s an almost even split between party affiliated votes on this question. Rasmussen found that 84 percent of Republicans trust their party more to deal with corruption, while 83 percent of Democrats trust their party more. But the big news is that 45 percent of Independents believe Republicans can do the better job, while 29 percent “trust Democrats more,” Rasmussen said.
What all this means is that 17 months out from the 2024 elections, Democrats are trailing Republicans in the trust department, and that under Biden, less than one-third of likely voters are satisfied with how things are going.