Two new Rasmussen polls show Democrats in trouble with voters, and nearly half of survey respondents to one of the polls say Joe Biden’s policies have hurt them personally.
According to Rasmussen, 49 percent of likely voters have felt the pain of Biden’s presidency, while only 28 percent say the president’s policies have helped them and 21 percent say his policies have made no difference in their lives.
On the other hand, Rasmussen revealed that “forty-six percent say Trump’s policies helped them personally, while 34% say Trump’s policies hurt them, and 18% say Trump’s policies did not make much difference for them personally.”
This could include America’s gun owners, who fared better under Trump than Biden. While the former President nominated conservative, pro-rights judges and Supreme Court justices to federal court vacancies, the current president came into office with a restrictive gun control agenda he has not been able to completely push. However, he has made scores of federal court appointments and put one liberal justice on the high court.
It appears both Trump and Biden are headed for a re-match in November, and the results of that contest might be indicated by Rasmussen’s poll of voters on who they favor in congressional races.
Rasmussen’s voter survey shows the current situation has GOP candidates running 6 points ahead generically, at 47 percent favorability ahead of Democrats’ 41 percent, with Independents making a huge difference.
According to Rasmussen, “Eighty-three percent of Republicans would vote for their own party’s congressional candidate if the election were held today, while 80% of Democrats would vote for the Democratic candidate. Among (Independents), 44% would vote Republican and 29% would vote Democrat, while 10% say they’d vote for some other candidate and 17% are undecided.”
In both surveys, there is a gender gap. In the voter survey, men favor Republicans by a 15-point margin – 51% to 36% – while women voters prefer Democrats by a slender margin, 46% to 43%,” Rasmussen said. On the issue of Biden versus Trump policies, Rasmussen notes, “there is a 26-point margin between those who say Biden’s policies hurt them (51%) or helped them (25%), whereas among women voters, the gap is only 17 points, with 47% saying they were hurt personally by Biden’s policies and 30% of women saying Biden’s policies have helped them.”
There is also a lot of partisan preference when it comes to the policy issue. Among Democrats, 59 percent say Biden’s policies are better than Trump’s, while 73 percent of Republicans preferred Trump’s policies over Biden’s, and among Independents, they prefer Trump’s policies 45 to 32 percent who like Biden.