A newly-released Rasmussen poll has revealed that 70 percent of likely voters think the U.S.is more divided now than it was before the 2020 election brought Joe Biden to the White House.
According to Rasmussen, “only 28% rate Biden as having done a good or excellent job of uniting the country.”
The stunning survey results were released Thursday, not long after the Biden White House announced the president’s latest effort to restrict law-abiding gun owners by requiring background checks on an expanded number of private transactions. Under Biden’s new rule (see related story), many people who buy or sell firearms privately will henceforth be considered “engaged in the business” and must obtain a federal firearms license. The announcement has infuriated gun owners and is gaining resistance from major Second Amendment organizations.
Rasmussen is reporting that only 9 percent of respondents think the country has become more united under Biden, who is now campaigning for a second term.
The survey of 1,085 U.S. Likely Voters was conducted on April 3-4 and 7 by Rasmussen Reports with a margin of sampling error at +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence, the veteran polling firm said.
More bad news for the Biden-Harris administration is that 43 percent of likely voters “believe it would do more to unite America, if Donald Trump wins this year’s presidential election, while 35% think the country would be more united if Biden gets reelected in November.”
While Biden has persisted in his gun control efforts, U.S. gun owners recall Trump’s repeated references to protecting the Second Amendment while he was in office. Trump is a Life Member of the National Rifle Association and has appeared at the annual NRA convention before, during and after his term in office.
According to Rasmussen, majorities in every political category—Republicans (81%), Democrats (60%) and Independents (69%) think the country is more divided than it was before Biden was elected in November 2020.
However, Rasmussen notes that 53 percent of Democrats think Biden is “doing an excellent or good job of uniting the country, an opinion shared by just 12% of Republicans and 19% of unaffiliated voters.”
Solid majorities among Republicans (75%) and Independents (60%) say Biden is doing a poor job of uniting the country, a view shared by 22 percent of Democrats, Rasmussen said.
Meanwhile, Rasmussen’s daily presidential tracking poll shows Biden with 42 percent of likely voters approving of his job performance, and 56 percent disapproving. Breaking down the number, though, only 22 percent “strongly approve” of Biden’s on-the-job performance, while 45 percent “strongly disapprove,” the poll said.