Recent high-profile mass shootings, and the promise that Congress would take up gun control issues when it returns to work in September promise a lively program at the 34th annual Gun Rights Policy Conference in Phoenix, Ariz., Sept. 20-22.
The event, sponsored by the Second Amendment Foundation and Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, typically attracts hundreds of gun rights activists from across the country. The full list of speakers is not finalized, but there will be appearances by SAF founder and Executive Vice President Alan M. Gottlieb, nationally-syndicated radio hosts Tom Gresham (Gun Talk) and Mark Walters (Armed America Radio), SAF President Joseph Tartaro. Stephen Gutowski with the Washington Free Beacon and AWR Hawkins with Breitbart.com and many others. In addition, SAF and CCRKBA leaders will be joined by representatives from Gun Owners of America, the National Rifle Association, Doctors for Responsible Gun Ownership and Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership.
The conference will be held at the Sheraton Crescent Hotel, 2620 W Dunlap Ave., Phoenix, AZ 85021. Admission is free and pre-registration is already underway. Visit the SAF website here.
More than 70 speakers are anticipated, and panel discussions will cover all the bases, from state and federal legislation updates to the looming 2020 elections, which many in the Second Amendment movement consider crucial because of the unified gun control push by Democratic presidential candidates. All have proposed new restrictions including expanded background checks and even bans on so-called “assault rifles.”
The conference opens with the annual day-long AMM-Con seminar for gun rights bloggers, podcasters and citizen journalists featuring remarks by Gresham at noon, Sept. 20. It is hosted by the Self-Defense Radio Network and SAF and will have a full lineup of speakers. GRPC panel discussions will unfold all day Saturday and through noon Sunday.
“Just like last year’s record-setting conference,” Gottlieb said, “we will be live-streaming this year’s event and we anticipate more than 100,000 viewers. Those in attendance will go home with valuable books and other materials important to Second Amendment protection. We look forward to seeing everyone.”
Between now and the conference, Congress will have had time to take up the gun issue on Capitol Hill. While President Donald Trump told reporters that he would consider new gun legislation, he has subsequently told reporters that mental health will also be emphasized and that gun owners’ rights are equally important.