The Associated Press and several other news agencies are reporting that newly-revealed documents show that some school officials and a sheriff’s deputy had recommended that accused school shooting rampage suspect Nikolas Cruz be “forcibly committed” in 2016, but those concerns were never acted upon.
Instead, for more than a month since the shooting, the gun control lobby has helped galvanize high school students and exploited their fears to push an anti-gun agenda, and consciously helped shift responsibility to gun owners and the Second Amendment. They’ve had plenty of help from the national media.
But as more information surfaces about the tragic shooting at Parkland’s Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, it is becoming clear that authorities in Broward County missed several opportunities to be proactive.
As published by the Chicago Tribune, “The documents in the criminal case against Nikolas Cruz, which were obtained by The Associated Press, show school officials and a sheriff’s deputy recommended in September 2016 that Cruz be involuntarily committed for a mental evaluation.”
According to Fox News, “Some school counselors and officials were so concerned about the mental stability of Nikolas Cruz, accused in last month’s Florida school massacre, that they decided to have him forcibly committed more than a year before the shooting…However, the recommendation was never acted upon.”
Last week, on a judge’s order, the Broward County Sheriff’s Office released a video of former deputy Scot Peterson’s actions outside the building. Inside Edition uploaded this video to YouTube:
All of these new revelations raise questions about why so many are so willing to point the finger of blame at the National Rifle Association and, by default, all gun owners and other gun rights organizations that work to defend the Second Amendment.
One thing that protesters have continually demanded is that Congress and state lawmakers stop taking contributions from the NRA.
But what about politicians who take money from the gun prohibition lobby? Anti-gunners appear to be practicing hypocrisy about campaign donations. Michael Bloomberg and George Soros have pumped tens of millions of dollars into political campaigns supporting liberals and Democrats, according to Open Secrets.
Not only are anti-gunners trying to blame firearms owners for this and other crimes they didn’t commit, they are laboring to deny those gun owners the ability to support the elections of people who represent their views. Essentially, the gun prohibition lobby is trying to silence, or at least minimize the influence of the nation’s gun owners.
That this is happening as the country heads toward the 2018 mid-term elections should not be lost on gun owners who want their views represented in Congress and state legislatures.