One generation from now, the crucial emphasis on names and labels will transcend the actual importance of accomplishments, as individuals are trapped in a minefield of strife propagated by the constant pressure in not offending a human being.
Imagine a world where people are literally running around in circles of confusion with devices buzzing and self-driving cars ferrying loads of attendees to sensitivity group training sessions, in the futile attempt to grasp the explosion of multitudinous gender terminology endorsed by the government on official forms of identification. With the latitudes and convenience afforded by flawed legislation, one is able to allowed up to four gender readjustments per year and completely covered by insurance. As a Poly Nocturnal Carnivore Dynamic Procreative Casanova, I demand all the respect from Our fellow citizens in not offending Us?
Society may be on the pathway to enduring the fate of the characters in the Ayn Rand novella, Anthem, thanks to the wonderful and nurturing actions of the Canadian government, when they are spending their time implementing Sharia Law. We are completely within the vortex of future shock. Fox News reports that health care officials honored the request of a parent, in not assigning an official gender identity to an infant’s official birth certificate. (Yes, you are reading this right!) Allegedly, the stereotype that our friends from up North suffer from side effects of mind numbing benders consisting of downing at least a 12 pack of Molson is not far-fetched. The parent, who identifies as “a non-binary transgender person”, in a spooky and disturbing societal engineering version of Wheel of Fortune, chose to buy a vowel, instead of utilizing the traditional distinctions of “M” or “F”. The use of a “U” in representing “undetermined” or “unassigned” on the birth certificate, may be the first instance in the history of humanity where a healthy child born into a free society, already has the victim label formally engraved in their permanent records.
“I’m raising Searyl in such a way that until they have the sense of self and command of vocabulary to tell me who they are, I’m recognizing them as a baby and trying to give them all the love and support to be the most whole person that they can be outside of the restrictions that come with the boy box and the girl box,” Doty told CBC.
Currently, a vast amount of resources are being allocated towards the complete integration of human anomalies into the context of society. At what point is the line drawn in the granite of sensibility, where an individual has to fend for themselves and endure the complete consequences of their choice? Yes, one is granted the basic rights of individual liberty in pursuing a life of happiness, but within a reasonable context. The pending legal battles should be harrowing and fascinating.
Read the Fox News article here.