The Second Amendment Foundation has launched a new 60-second advertisement alerting U.S. gun owners that with the midterm elections behind him, President Joe Biden is taking his gun control agenda to the next level.
Almost as if to confirm the SAF message, Biden told a press conference Wednesday he still plans to ban so-called “assault weapons.”
SAF’s message is blunt, asserting that Biden is prepared to issue “executive orders and (weaponize) government agencies.”
If Republicans take control of the U.S. House—which seems increasingly likely as ballot counting continues—Biden’s only option to advance his gun control agenda would be via executive orders or take some other administrative action. SAF is asking gun owners to call a toll-free telephone number and sign its petition to “stop Joe Biden’s gun grabbing agenda.” That number is 800-788-9024.
“Because of the election’s outcome,” said SAF founder and Executive Vice President Alan Gottlieb, “the odds are good he will begin attacking gun owners by weaponizing executive orders, bypassing Congress completely. We’ve never seen a president so determined to undermine the Second Amendment and destroy the cornerstone of our Bill of Rights.”
If Republicans capture more than 218 seats, they will take control of the House of Representatives. If that occurs, and Nancy Pelosi’s reign as Speaker comes to an end, it will also spell the end of Biden’s legislative gun control agenda. If Republicans capture the U.S. Senate, it will mean Biden’s future nominees to federal court vacancies will also have to be moderated.
According to Gottlieb, the new SAF advertisement is airing on 13 national cable networks, plus DISHTV and DirectTV. As a result, he expects to reach millions of viewers within days.
“We’re alerting gun owners across the country that with the midterms behind him, Biden has only so much time between now and January, when the new Congress takes over, to launch his attack,” Gottlieb said. “He knows that when the new session begins, his gun ban agenda is dead-on-arrival on Capitol Hill.”
Biden is a career anti-gunner. Throughout his decades on Capitol Hill, Biden never turned his back on a gun control measure. He has boasted frequently about shepherding the Brady Handgun Law, with its background check requirements, and the Clinton Crime Bill of 1994 with its 10-year ban on semi-autos and magazines.
SAF, and for a while its sister organization the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, has run similar 60-second messages on cable networks, challenging Biden’s gun control agenda.